If cesium is only a red, I’m scared to know what the purple ones would do 😱
If cesium is only a red, I’m scared to know what the purple ones would do 😱
So… The thing I just said?
I’m not gonna disagree that Americans have unhealthy eating habits. But the bread itself isn’t the issue, imo.
They’re just people doing a job that their boss made needlessly annoying. They shouldn’t need to open a vault to get a couple hundred bucks.
Don’t punish the workers, punish the boss
Only in the sense that people eat it more than you’d typically eat cake - id agree with that.
But I don’t really see why it’s bad inherently
I didn’t realize Europe had ethical issues with boring cake. If I could roll my eyes any harder at your disingenuousness, they’d pop out of my head.
No, go back to your foie gras, the absolute paragons of virtue that you are. We will just have to satisfy ourselves with bread that is occasionally shelf stabilized, like the absolute monsters that makes us.
Right. Literally like I said earlier - it’s just a boring cake.
I didn’t realize that Europe considered cake to be such a terrible thing
Like what?
I’ll grant you they’re not artisanal breads with handpicked ingredients - but not all brands load up on nasty preservatives, and people make white bread themselves, too.
And all those regional European delicacies are a disgrace to cooking. I love food, but those pickled-shrew-taint type things are disgusting.
I was commenting on the hypocrisy of you calling what is just a plain soft sweet bread disgusting, while all these European countries get a pass on their regional abominations of food culture.
I know that plain white bread is not great, but it’s basically just a really boring cake. The ire is unreasonable.
Y’all are like
Yum! This fermented sheep asshole and rotten cabbage is true food culture!
But you react to soft sweet bread like a vampire in a 60s horror flick reacts to holy water
Also: proto-croutons
That graph is getting dangerously close to becoming a political meme, given current events
They remind them of the only part of math they liked
That’s a lot of words to write for either not reading what I wrote, or not even attempting to understand it.
It’s wild that I very explicitly said they’re both bad and then you go on to imply that I, or people like me, think that one of these is “ok”.
And that you chose to use those straw men instead of engaging with the concept of relativity of wrongness, tells me that you probably don’t even really believe in that novella you wrote.
Or a boxing gym in general tbh.
Legit great name for an unboxing channel.
Also for a porn star.
I made this just for you 😌
Programs are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers to execute
Maybe “options” was a bad choice of word.
These are things we’re talking about and just because we’re talking about a thing doesn’t mean we are bound to choose it if given them as a choice.
I can say that I hate one thing more than another thing without ever being forced to choose either of them.
Just like in my example I’m not forced to run over a child’s foot just because I spoke about it.
And besides sometimes you ARE forced to choose between a list of bad options. Especially in politics. There is certainly a “least bad” option, and treating everything bad as equal is, like I said before, how monsters get power.
I refuse to believe that these are the responses of someone having a good faith discussion. You’re clearly trolling, but idky because you’re not being funny or clever. You’re just making tangential nonsense arguments for no discernable reason.
That’s such a cool story.
Too bad this isn’t a discussion about that option. We’re discussing the difference between option 2 and option 3, or the lack thereof. You can talk about things you don’t want to choose.
Dude, wtf man. This isn’t complicated, I don’t know why you’re having such a hard time of it.
The alkali metals get more strongly reactive the higher their atomic number.
Lithium will react pretty violently with the water in your saliva, but cesium will blow up your head. If you get enough of it wet to cover your tongue