Everyone knows that Santa Hates Poor Kids (warning: explicit lyrics)!:-P
Everyone knows that Santa Hates Poor Kids (warning: explicit lyrics)!:-P
Show up at 6:00 to find out!
It might be information overload but like… it seems hard to imagine people finding out that their wells were bad to drink from, and then simply deciding not to care. Though, that’s probably naive and it’s likely always been this way.
Oh wow, gross, but therefore thanks for sharing!:-)
Man, even if you boil the water… that sounds no bueno… People act like humans live “better” lives than those from 100 years ago, as if well water wasn’t fresher and cleaner than what crap we get out of our tap. Tbf, vaccines exist now and that’s HUGE (well… for those that choose to take them), but in other ways we’ve gone backwards or at least sidewise rather than forward.
It has to run out of all the water that was sitting still between the output hole and the input source where it’s heated. If your apartment has a central water tank, that has its advantages - e.g. a whole family inside your place could take successive showers without ever running out of hot water - but this is the primary disadvantage to that, the wait to go through that cold water, which gets worse the further/higher up you are away from it.
Maybe try to find a way to not entirely waste it - like put some of that into a water kettle to be boiled for a hot drink? I enjoy such thoughts but do as you please ofc.
I am no plumber, just thought this might be interesting to know:-). I am 10,001% certain that someone will correct me here if I have said anything inaccurate. 😂
Then to deepen this rabbit hole further, I’ll add: so next I did a search specifically for site:wiktionary.org, and it took me to https://fi.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/sematary - I don’t even know what language that is (Google Search says “Finnish - Detected” so uh… that’s probably it).
That’s right, Google itself is now corpo-speak, and apparently you and I can understand authentically-offered Finnish better than such for-profit “English” (max out the short-term stock bondage for the investors fr fr no cap skibidi rizz).
The weirdest thing is that DuckDuckGo is my default (I must have re-used an old window or something to even be on Google at all?), and btw it finds the correct answer immediately. But damn this was an interesting digression today!
Google search sucks so hard these days, so for any like me wanting to know what this means:
Semetary = Pet cemetary
If we won’t regulate guns despite school shootings, what hope is there to regulate cars? (Unless someone rich can get a cut?) Apparently someone else’s freedumb to do dangerous things is my own freedom to stfu:-(.
All Praise and Honor be to our glorious Electoral College, may it forever prevent us from making dumb decisions such as “preventing needless deaths”.
Okay it looked more like 3, but still you can imagine the joke as if it were funny 🤣.
If he had mistimed that, we would have seen a VERY different ending here, delivered as it would have been to/from the man in the muscle t-shirt 👕.
Oh wait… you kinda just did, I guess:-).
Whereas nowadays if you want to have the modern Pizza Hut experience you can order pizza from anywhere… then just eat the box. 😬
Apparently someone did:-)
While instead, the runs turned out to be quite temporary:-)
In the Lemmy web UI in a browser, clicking the third button from the left (from the left it’s the upvote, downvote, then the page with a turned corner looking thing) will show the source code for a message. Below it’s colored green after having pressed it:
The “Alt text” is the part between the straight brackets, before the URL in the parentheses. So “img1”, “img2”, and “img3” in the screenshot - see how original they are!?:-P