Got a coworker on my team who is type 4. He’s the glue that holds the team together, nobody knows anywhere as much as he does.
If he ever leaves, the whole team is screwed and the project is dead in the water.
They also aren’t helpful against improvised explosive drones.
A ceo*
Asking nicely for them to stop killing people hasn’t and will never work.
Juries are specifically selected to avoid people capable of critical thinking, and people knowledgeable about jury nullification.
If it goes to trial his chances are slim. If he knows what’s good from him, he’s already in a foreign country with no extradition treaty, or halfway across the country in a remote section of wilderness laying low for the next few months.
The Adjuster
I can see it.
They’re definitely lower down on the list, but execs still need to live somewhere, and a good chunk of them live nearby other people to some degree, which can make them a convenient target for those that live nearby.
If your neighbor* was an exec for McDonald’s, you saw them for the evil that they are, and you had a terminal illness or suicidal ideation, you’d probably give your local exec a thought or too, even if there are bigger fish to fry.
* using neighbor in a very loose sense here because of how they like to live in their own little gated communities
The McDonald’s execs aren’t anywhere near as bad. But they ain’t innocent either. They’re perfectly happy to pay poverty/starvation wages. They’re perfectly fine with class war.
Never played a single assassin’s creed game. But I’d play this.
Thank you, very well explained with sources. Seriously you went deep into the comments to explain it to me and I appreciate that.
Of course, no problem.
I just selfishly want to buy a home that’s bigger than the shitty one I rent so we can move my wife’s elderly mother in with us.
I’m in a similar position, so I feel you.
What do you mean about the housing market? Prices are insane I agree, but do you think bubble go pop? That would be great for everyone, which doesn’t fit the tone of the rest of your comment.
If/when it pops, it’s going to do so like a pimple, with puss, bacteria, gross warm goop.
The rich will buy up even more of the housing, (eventually) push out even more first time buyers, and people will lose their jobs.
The share of homes owned by investors increased after the 2008 crash, and has been increasing since. Another bubble burst will be the same. Granted, the share of first time home buyers also increased, but it didn’t last, and it came at the cost of other people losing their homes.
And we’re now seeing reality companies turn into megacorps like they haven’t before, with more and more properties each. They should not have that level of control over the market, and it would only increase (dark gray and blue sections on that graph).
Give it a decade or two, when the effects of climate change really start fucking people over, they lose their jobs/housing/food, that’s when shit will hit the fan. We’re still only at the beginning of the effect, and when they really hit it will put the squeeze on everything. The current system is cracking under its own weight.
And the housing market is just a ticking time bomb.
I gotcha
Resentment for Thompson was widespread at the company, the employee said, citing an internal company announcement about his death that only garnered 28 comments despite being seen by 16,000 employees.
The more people that know as quickly as possible, the better. They’re almost certainly gonna find him now that his face is on the news.
So the next hope is for jury nullification, which is a small chance but still there. That, and getting a gofundme for the legal defense.