“Be careful how you treat people when you’re on top, they’re the ones you need to catch you if you fall”
“Be careful how you treat people when you’re on top, they’re the ones you need to catch you if you fall”
Remember if you’re still using it despite that being the case: you’re the product.
Obviously you need hyperloop to tunnel your way around and remember to collapse the tunnel behind you to be safe.
Gambles on failure of stocks shouldn’t be allowed, regulate wall street WS. They will make off like bandits when the tariffs hit.
That was one of the factors that helped it stick around, it started as an online dictionary you could link to, so you didn’t have to write out an info dump every time somebody asked online about something. Even the biggest pages on there now all started out as small stubs written off from pages in school books. Though that’s also what gained it a bit of reputation early on as it grew quicker than could be managed at times.
The problem is GDP measurements leave out all the inconvenient but equally important stuff like sustainability, environmental concerns etc. Green GDP is the way to go but it’s still a relatively new concept that needs to be spread out and adopted far and wide, but alas, only when the last fish has been caught and all the rivers poisoned will we realize we cannot eat money.
Come to Lolland!