Maybe you should keep looking then. As in, someplace else.
You can say all the transphobic slurs you want on Twitter, probably Facebook too.
If someone claims something happened on the fediverse without providing a link, they’re lying.
Maybe you should keep looking then. As in, someplace else.
You can say all the transphobic slurs you want on Twitter, probably Facebook too.
Except when people on here use it all the time to refer to people who don’t meet the definition.
Regardless, I’m happy that y’all are changing the definition through over use since it defangs it. You can insist all you want that “It’s only used against the people mentioned in the formal definition” but everyone who’s ever seen it in actual use knows you’re wrong.
Again, you could also try to tell me that the f-slur only applies to gay people since that’s what the dictionary defines it as, but every straight guy who’s ever been called it (most of them, at least from my generation) knows you’re full of shit.
It’s like trying to say that “You’re mother’s a removed” only applies to people who’s mothers are actually prostitutes, it’s ridiculous and very obviously not how language works.
If you actually only use it according to the dictionary definition, there are no tankies, or at least, very few, even on places like Hexbear or Lemmygrad.
As far as I’m aware, you’ll have to move to another instance if you want to see slurs that badly.
Words are defined by common use.
.ml’s slur filter removed a slur for trans people.
Can you go back and make an new account there instead?
The f-slur is defined as referring to gay men, but people also use it to insult straight men by suggesting that they’re gay. In the same way, “tankie” may be defined as a particular type of communist, but it is deployed against people who don’t fit the definition to imply that they do.
This is how basically all insults work, don’t play dumb. The definition is something assumed to be bad, and the way it’s used is to suggest the person meets that definition.
I was born in '91 in a conservative family, and I grew up with the naive vision that international conflicts were a thing of the past and we could put politics aside and work on developing science and technology for the good of all humankind. Then, when I was 10 years old, I watched as every adult in the country lost their fucking minds over a couple buildings falling down. I watched our civil liberties get stripped away while we started stupid pointless wars that accomplished nothing and left far more people dead, with complete bipartisan support. In high school, I leaned Libertarian because Ron Paul was a thing and basically the only antiwar voice in politics, though I grew out of that once I no longer had teachers and parents bossing me around lol.
I had hope for Obama, though I was still young and not politically engaged. He was going to shut down Guantanamo and hold the Bush administration accountable for their blatant war crimes and disregard for both international law and the constitution - or so I hoped. But he didn’t. He kept the illegal mass surveillance going and, contrary to his promise to protect whistleblowers, hunted Snowden to the ends of the earth for revealing the government’s crimes.
As for my personal life at this time, I had no idea what I wanted to do, so I studied physics, thinking of it as a sort of “study of everything.” But even that wasn’t broad enough for me, I wanted to expand my cultural horizons as well, so I studied abroad in Japan for a year, which opened my mind to a more global perspective and reaffirmed my ideal of being a global citizen.
At this point, I was a liberal, skeptical of both parties, and politically disengaged. Watched The Daily Show and would probably fit in just fine with .world. But then 2016 happened.
I honestly didn’t jump on the Bernie train at first, because I subscribed to the “conventional wisdom” of moving to the center to win over moderate republicans. As the republicans went more and more extreme, the democrats would achieve total political dominance as the “party of reason,” Trump would lose in a landslide. Then he won. I was extremely furious and disappointed, I couldn’t believe it! How could this happen?
In my personal life, I had entered the workforce. In spite of graduating with a B.S. in physics, my focus had been on studying things that were interesting to me, without regard to practical matters like my career. I’m probably somewhat autistic, I’ve always done very well on tests and grasped concepts quickly, but I got poor grades on account of neglecting homework. It wasn’t until upper division physics classes that I found myself actually having to study. I was also privileged enough to not be concerned about practical matters growing up. After graduating, I’ve worked menial jobs, including warehouse work at Amazon, which gave me plenty of time to think. Since I started having a boss and a landlord, my politics improved. I also had a traumatic experience with my brother who came back from the Middle East, “self medicated” with meth, and almost became a mass shooter, but that’s a story for another day.
In order to figure things out, I tried to find a place to debate politics online, and wound up in the cesspool of r/CapitalismVSocialism, which was created by An-Caps. Freshly radical, I was of course more attracted to libertarian socialism, rejecting authoritarianism, though the term “tankie” was not popularized at the time. I saw right-libertarians as the more “reasonable” people on the right, an idea which I eventually became disavowed of by actually talking to them. Eventually, I realized that their whole ideology is based on wordplay, and that they, along with the right in general, have absolutely nothing of value to offer whatsoever, and their nonsense simply dragged down the level of debate, preventing anything of actual substance from being discussed.
Leaving that behind, I looked for a left-wing space, and found many of them to be clownish. I was turned off of r/socialism from the “Catgirl fiasco,” and I was too skeptical of the democrats to fit into purely liberal spaces - both of which lacked the bluntness and diversity of thought I was looking for. As a last resort, I checked r/ChapoTrapHouse, which I had heard all sorts of nasty rumors about - but instead, it was exactly what I was looking for: a non-sectarian leftist space that didn’t have a stick up its ass and wasn’t afraid to tell off both right-wingers and crybullies, which made it reviled because the crybullies would run off and whine and make up rumors (just like .worlders do).
During this time, I also did a good bit of reading. Progress and Poverty by Henry George helped me get a basic grasp of political economy, while All the Shah’s Men by Stephen Kinzer taught me about Iran’s historical attempts to reclaim their resources through a popular, liberal democratic movement, which was crushed by the CIA (similar stories can be found in many countries around the world).
When the subreddit was banned I migrated to Hexbear (yes, I’m from there). I was still very skeptical of states like China and the USSR, but my opinion of America had plummetted in 2016, and I saw them as acting as a counterbalance to US hegemony. I took a perspective of being system-agnostic, that non-aligned nations ought to have as much flexibility as possible in regards to their economic situation so that they can experiment and get it right, and then that system can spread out of that. When there’s just a single hegemon, it can exert too much control, but in a multipolar world there are more options. I was reading Blackshirts and Reds by Michael Parenti and watching his lectures, as well as some snippets of theory.
But probably the thing that really pushed me beyond that was Covid-19. In the US, they lied to us, telling us masks don’t work, and then sent us all back to work with no protections. Up until that point, I at least had trust in US scientific institutions, but that lie completely broke my trust, and it really sank in as real that the government does not give a single shit about protecting the people, and that my interests are completely in conflict with those of the state. Meanwhile, China actually listened to the science, they never told people not to wear masks, they did lockdowns, I even saw in Vietnam where the government delivered groceries right to people’s homes so they’d stay inside, while in the US everyone was scrambling over each other to buy toilet paper. I had to quit my job because the situation was so bad, I lived in the south and we had no protections at all.
And yet, as usual, nobody was held accountable for the failure, and the government’s mistakes were swept under the rug while the media blamed China and spread rumors that it was some sort of bioweapon. Naturally, anti-Asian hate crimes skyrocketed because of that bullshit. You can actually see very clearly where most people were fairly ambivalent to China before 2019, and then there was a major shift, coinciding with a propaganda campaign. The goal, of course, is to sow fears of China in order to justify more funding to the military, and to distract from the government’s own failures. It’s no coincidence that China suddenly became a military threat the moment the war in Afghanistan started to wind down, always gotta have an enemy to justify why we’re building bombs instead of healthcare. And if some random people get hate crimed, the government doesn’t give a shit.
Ultimately, I’d love to return to my initial dream of setting aside politics and pursuing science to build a better world for all. But how can I do that when you have cases like Jane Y. Wu, a distinguished neuroscientist who committed suicide after the US government shut down her lab for the sin of being born Chinese? How can I pretend that I’m a global citizen when the government shuts down innocent intercultural programs like the Confucious Institutes? I never signed up for this shit. I’m in this for humanity, not the United States, and the United States government is making it increasingly clear that it’s an enemy to the common cause of humanity.
So there’s my life story. None of us are “Russian bots,” we’re mostly just downwardly-mobile disillusioned intellectuals.
Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the tankie triad?
It’s not their job to educate you.
The problem is that folks see these things implemented in the past and say “let’s just do that.” Why can’t we take the good parts and think beyond the rest?
Of course we should! Every instance of socialism should adapt to the specific material conditions. There’s not much reason to think that socialism in developed countries would look the same as socialism is pre-industrial societies.
It’s just that in order to know what worked and what didn’t, it’s necessary to treat those projects as serious, earnest attempts at socialism and to be willing to point out both the positive and negative aspects. And doing that will immediately get you branded as a tankie by .world. Because in practice, tankie doesn’t actually mean that you defend everything any socialist state ever did, it means that you defend anything a socialist state ever did. Thinking critically and trying to learn from the mistakes from the past makes you a tankie.
Dronies have a pathological need to distance themselves from every attempt at socialism (except the ones that failed, which can be upheld as perfect since they never had to implement their vision), which renders them unable to look at the past from an objective standpoint. They are more concerned with making sure everyone knows that they’re “one of the good ones” than they are about studying and learning from the past. Tankies, otoh, are willing to own up to the facts and acknowledge that past projects were genuine attempts, even when they ultimately failed as the USSR did. Of course it would not have failed if it didn’t have its flaws. But you will rarely see a dronie pushing this angle or interrogating the reasons for the failure, because learning from its mistakes is too close to treating it as as serious and legitimate project - far better (and easier!) to just write off the whole thing and push for shit that has only ever existed in your head and has never been tainted by contact with reality.
That’s fair. I only wanted to set the record straight.
The comments I mentioned were long before Huntington affected him in his later years. Like, I’m talking about his comments on events as they were happening, when he was fully cognizant, and singing and writing smack dab in the middle of his career. You can’t just put your own positions into his mouth and write off everything he ever said to the contrary to Huntington’s. It’s both demonstrably false and also not really cool for you to do, like, he’s entitled to having his own views regardless of losing his mind to illness later on.
Woody Guthrie was ditched by his deadbeat, KKK member dad at 14, and grew up into the Great Depression. Those circumstances don’t tend to produce moderate politics. Everything I’ve seen about him suggests he saw things in very black and white terms, with the communists (including the USSR and Stalin) being the only real alternative to the racism and poverty he saw under capitalism and fascism. You can say that wasn’t the right perspective but that was his perspective.
You are, of course, right about Korea, but I brought it up because at the time it was a pretty controversial and fringe view, that he was willing to standby even under threat of persecution.
This was before Stalinism and a lot of the bad connotations given to communism since - I doubt he would have embraced much of what have happened in the name of communism.
Well, Guthrie was actually alive at the same time as Stalin so we don’t actually have to speculate on that. In reality, Guthrie praised Stalin, even going so far as praising the Soviet invasion of Poland, and criticizing the US for providing supplies to Finland during the Winter War. It actually wasn’t that uncommon for left-wing people in the West to support Stalin at the time, though some, for example, Pete Seeger, later changed their views. Guthrie never did, even during the height of the Cold War, when McCarthyism meant he got blacklisted, he was still saying stuff like, he hoped the communists won in the Korean War, and he never apologized for or recanted his views on Stalin.
millions more people genocided
That’s quite a claim. If the US is set to genocide millions of people, then as people at risk of being victims of that, surely we should be treating the US government as the primary threat to our safety, correct?
How about China is, in fact, a dictatorship for starters
That could be true. But I wonder, in general, what is the process for determining whether a country is a dictatorship or not, from the outside? China claims to be a democracy and holds elections, like just about every other country under the sun. Of course, not every country with elections is actually a democracy, but if we’re talking “hard facts” I think we need to be able to point to specific, objective things.
The Communist in “Chinese Communist Party” is just there for show.
Isn’t the Chinese Communist Party the single largest self-identifying communist party in the world? Shouldn’t that factor in, like, at least a little bit into our standards for what defines a communist party? Regardless, this is kind of just your subjective opinion, isn’t it? Again, what specific, objective standards are you looking at to distinguish between “real” communism and “fake” communism?
Can you point me to any member of these “huge groups of well known users” spreading bigotry, racism, and transphobia?
First rule of using Lemmy: If someone claims something happened on the fediverse without providing a link, they’re lying.
Not a fan of transphobic slurs. Going out of your way to make sure you can see them is sus.
If you really wanna check what was said, you can view a comment on a different instance by clicking the rainbow icon next to the username.