• 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2024


  • I’ve been looking for something like this too but gave up a few years ago. The ability to block channels, mainly.

    But what I can say that works fairly decently, is YouTube’s recommendation system. It just doesn’t work on music if in the music section, go figure.

    But like me, on Apple TV mostly, if I hold down the select button on a video, I can select “Don’t recommend channel” and I can confirm that works. This works on other devices too if you click the little 3 dots in the bottom corner of the video to get the same options I’ll describe below.

    I’ve done this on a few channels and I don’t think I’ve ever seen those same ones pop up again since. I can think of 3 channels, in particular, that I used to watch a lot but then they made some videos that pissed me right the fuck off, and I selected this after unsubbing and haven’t seen those channels being recommended again. I do see them in collabs on other channels I watch, unfortunately. But thats to be expected because it’s not on their channel.

    The other option is “Not interested” and then you can either say “I’ve already seen the video” or “I don’t like this video”. Using either or depending on the reason why you want to train the algorithm for your tastes.

    This has worked pretty well for me and my algorithm is actually pretty decent. Why they don’t do this for music is beyond me because it works well elsewhere when YouTube is recommending me stuff.

  • Of course it’s subjective if you’ll find it funny, but I have sat through a few episodes and I think I smirked a few times. Some things felt like “oh I can see how that is funny.” But not enough to make me feel like actually laughing.

    One of my exes was obsessed with it and hurt when I said I never liked it so she showed me a few of her favorite episodes and…yeah…still didn’t see it, personally.

    Of course everyone is different, so I can see some people feeling a laugh after seeing some of it.

    But just saying that it’s not because it’s popular is why I dislike it.

  • I’m in the exact same situation. I noticed this months ago and never found a way to go back to look at an overview of my comments.

    YouTube used to be a legit social network back in the day where you could see your comments and people could comment directly to your channel profile. But with all the changes they’ve made, all of that doesn’t seem to exist anymore.

    You’d just have to go back to some of the videos you remember. Thankfully they do push your comments to the top of the list for easy access, but that’s only if your comment was a direct reply to the video. If it was to a comment under an existing comment, good luck.

    Even with me changing my settings, I still don’t get notified most of the time when someone replies to me, only if someone upvotes my comment. Every once in a while, it feels like 9 times out of 10, does that happen and only 1 time out of 10 do I get the notification someone replied.

  • Poeple should show the science of being fat and point out the bad effects of it has on body, but they should not show the science on a living human to mock him, the purpose should be education for the the uneducated not mocking with the shield of science.

    Not that I’m condoning making fun of people who are overweight (I am overweight, after all but currently working on it) but this is done in some cases and it’s still seen as a form of mockery to many people today. It’s getting to the point of doctors not feeling comfortable being able to tell someone that what’s happening in their body is harmful to their health and they need to reconsider their current lifestyle.

    Which I think the body positive movement has been good in terms of getting away from the jokes and mockery but at the same time has been a detriment to many people in making them think that there’s nothing wrong and they can and should continue on the path they’re going down. Even going as extreme as to say that doctors, health professionals, and family and friends who genuinely care and are not being disrespectful are actually mocking them just for pointing out an unhealthy lifestyle. Not everyone in the body positive movement is this way, but I see what I want to believe is a very vocal minority of people who are trying to shift things in that direction in this movement.

    When you think about it, honestly, we’re probably in a better place than we were a few decades ago in terms of the mockery and jokes at someone’s weight. The movies and TV shows of the 80’s and 2000’s were often filled with these jokes and it was common place in general in society. Seemed like every TV show had a dedicated “fat person” who had fat jokes about their weight and overeating, or at least was centered around this like The King of Queens (which I love, by the way, but the fat jokes at Doug can get repetitive after a while). Speaking anecdotally, I remember kids getting made fun of for being fat growing up in those decades, but even though I’m not young in this current generation, judging based off of popular social media, it seems like they don’t condone that anymore among themselves like previous generations had. Our entertainment doesn’t seem to have these as jokes any longer. I’m sure they exist in some specific shows and movies, and the ones that immediately come to mind seem to be ones that were from those times (Simpsons, Family Guy) but just not as prevalent as they once were which seems an indication of a change in society as well.

    All in all to say, I agree that mocking people for their weight is horrible and often actually does the inverse of making those same people turn towards more overeating in depression over their constant treatment, but things seem to be getting better, while at the same time, we may be crossing from one unhealthy extreme into another on the polar opposite and should be careful about that. Careful not to go from the extreme of making fun of people who are overweight to the extreme of accepting it so much so that we don’t take time to allow people to provide actual constructive criticism to someone who is going down a dangerous path.