Math is the programming language of the universe and physics is the rule book.
Math is the programming language of the universe and physics is the rule book.
Get a load of this guy, thinking containers are more of a hassle than VMs!
*Cries in industrial controller*
It’s low risk because there’s a large cost to infiltrating your laptop physically, which greatly reduces the credibility of the threat, unless you’re someone with geopolitical importance. It’s easier for a threat actor to just steal/buy all your information from hacking huge datasets or break in through some unpatched vulnurability.
Bluey sets an unrealistic expectation for how much child chef food a parent will eat.
How do I type here?
There’s not much cost with S3 object. It’s just a file system in Linux, and replication is a protocol standard.
Use object storage for media and backups, then use s3 replication to put a copy somewhere else.
Can I just rub some Asian people on me?
What’s the average humidity where you live? Warm, humid climates make more sweaty people.
Hurr, my 1000 piece gas engine transmission are easier to fix than an electric motor with literally 2 bearings!
People don’t just freewheel with the Legos?