A modern computer will restart and be up and running again within like 20 seconds. This just gives off i aM vErY sMaRt vibes.
A modern computer will restart and be up and running again within like 20 seconds. This just gives off i aM vErY sMaRt vibes.
Adorable and frightening considering that thing could rip out your throat.
How old are you? Anybody who has worked in the current climate knows you don’t get ahead just by working hard. I have worked hard for over a decade now, and im still just an employee at company Z with employee number 12345. This idea that working hard will get you somewhere is naive as fuck.
Being pro-capitalist on this website is gonna make you stick out like a sore thumb
In the world of astronomy a billion kilometers is like a missile hitting the neighborhood next to yours. So while there’s a good amount of hyperbole there, it’s still relatively close. You’re still shaken up by it hitting your town. And eventually we will win the lottery and have an astronomical event outside our control devestate the earth. It’s happened before.
I did, heard it, right in my meat cage.
Probably bcz it was a typo. The grammar nazis are always quick to show up if you dont use your and you’re correctly.
Don’t act like you know… youre views are vastly inferior to mine.
Dunno why you are getting down voted. It’s a perfectly legit question to ask for a source. Even if said person could conceivably have said it.
Is this real, bcz if so, this is hilarious
Why would they need to rebuild the city when they own the entire planet with regulatory capture, and a whole ass army? Never thought once about how weird it was that a private company had a military.
If someone points out that I’m wrong on something factual, I try not to be hard headed about it. Politics is hard enough for people to find common ground, even worse when we can’t agree on a set of facts. I find it tiring dealing with a constant stream of lies and misinformation in modern politic, so I try not to add to it.
Turns out I was wrong, didn’t take your word for it, so I looked it up. Guess he’s just a giant tool.
It’s hard to call him successful when he was born with a golden parachute
His presidency was an absolute shitshow the first time. This time they’ve got project 2025, and hes specifically filling roles for their loyalty over any actual expertise. If that doesn’t concern you, nothing will.
No, that’s just Dick, he’s a good guy.
This is a terrible measurement unit, even worse than the one we came up with in college for rockets, where we used elephants. Dicks come in all shapes and sizes.
Maybe, maybe not. But it only has to happen once for them to patch it.
Yes, even windows.