Bullshit, Tony Hawk is 56 and looks like he just hit 30.
A person on the internet. ♦️♣️
Bullshit, Tony Hawk is 56 and looks like he just hit 30.
Rogue is not spelled rouge.
Bob Ross got fame, the good feeling of teaching something, a job where he just paints calmly for a living, he got a good life out of it.
4 gigs of RAM is enough to host many singular projects - your own backup server or VPN for instance. It’s only if you want to do many things simultaneously that things get slow.
WhY iS nObOdY hAViNg KiDs?!
Only that one teacher who cared if you walked in one second late but would then keep the whole class after the bell because they think they’re above not only all the kids but all the other teachers as well.
Down vote for planet killing, work stealing AI
Someone is trolling and EVERYONE is taking it seriously. 🤦
Why do such monolithic buildings give me such hell-on-earth vibes?
I chose Luigi before it was cool! I drove as him in Double Dash!
Fuck those top three germ spreaders.
Bottle filler is life.
This is entirely Google’s fault.
Number 1 is number 3 when online.
Number 2 is number 4 when at the convention.
There are 2 types of IT guys.
Well he wasn’t wrong…
For a second I thought he put out a new video.
Luigi sleeps with his hat and shoes on.
Why is this being hosted on the NSFW instance?