Growing up, if you had told me half or more of America would end up elevating a rapist to the presidency and prostrating themselves at his feet, I’d have laughed you out of the room. This nation has sunk LOW.
Bill Clinton won reelection. Now, granted, he was not Trump levels, he was a piece of shit who at the very least abused his role and power over women. Now, even after me too, he’s a beloved elder statesman. Just saying, the nation has sunk lower, but I don’t know that’s a lot lower than where we were when we were kids.
In my own polianish way, I find this cultaral exchange on rednote both wholesome and also it gives me hope for something more. The Chinese people are obviously oppressed by their government, but it’s not that much better here (corporate oligarchy) and is about to get a lot worse. Two peoples whose overlords have tried to convince them that the other country is an enemy, coming together and finding common ground. Maybe working together for a better common outcome, despite both governments trying to keep them apart. I can dream anyway.