The burden of proof lies with you. You allege that CNN is zelensky-Propaganda. Now prove it. Then I will believe you.
Until then you’re just spreading russian Propaganda.
Swiss Pan-European Nationalist
The burden of proof lies with you. You allege that CNN is zelensky-Propaganda. Now prove it. Then I will believe you.
Until then you’re just spreading russian Propaganda.
People using russian talking-points will get called russin, big surprise
UK and Europe
You do realize the UK is part of Europe, right?
The britisch Isles are part of Europe.
The Main Reason I became an Indie Gamer.
It’s not that I can’t afford it, it’s just that it isn’t worth it for me.
Sir, this is for privacy not for CSAM
No, doesn’t have the same ring to it
Ironically though Matrix has a Problem with metadata leaking out while signal doesn’t
immediately going into whataboutism and trying to shift the descussion to blame the west?
It comes from the german Fötus
oe is ö
and english is a germanic language
Proxmox or Unraid?
mods, not admins. you confused me there lol
You’re thinking too far. As someone who knows two people that worked for the Swiss government closely:
Don’t worry about it. The whole deepstate Idea is absolutely ridiculous.
There is no big plan to weaken encryption or anything. There was probably a single prosecutor working on a case involving Telegram that saw his chance and took it.
Seriously, you should be a lot more worried about google or meta, not western democracies.
Unless you live in russia/china/iran/yourFavouriteDictatorship, then forget whatever I just said. But if you live there, what’s happening in France isn’t a Problem to you anymore since your government does it anyways lol
But yeah, I’m getting a not tired of the deepstate conspiracies. He broke the law, that’s why he gets arrested, not because of some deepstate conspiracy
true true, but:
An eye for an eye…
If you don’t want a toxic internet, it’s on us to start it
a bit less aggressive please and then this comment is almost perfect
19:30, lucerne main station. you’re from feddit.org, you surely speak german.
well, my dog certainly isn’t
but yes, you’re obviously right, they are generally seen as omnivore. Although they lean harder on the carnivore-side than the herbivore-side.
Pigs evolved to eat meat?
are you shitting me right now?
Google search and your comment say they’re omnivores. But given your comment they’re still more resilient to meat than us?
Can we even call ourselves omnivores at this point? We are so much worse omnivores compared to other omnivores, aren’t we just herbivores with a tolerance to meat?
If you want MAC (SELinux or Apparmor) (which I highly recommend) then use Silverblue / CoreOS or even SUSE MicroOS
otherwise I use NixOS. (But like I said, I’m possibly looking into switching because of lacking MAC)
You should not feed plants to a carnivore
You can feed plants to a carnivore, just don’t expect it to be enough.
My dog, for example, loves carrots and cucumbers. They make great treats for him. But please don’t substitute real meat food that he has evolved to eat with carrots and cucumbers
Yeah, but here the Admins had to step in because the mods would do the exact opposite, so that’s also not really an option.
Socialism is scary and way worse than capitalism in many ways
What you’re thinking of is social democracy.
minimum wage, universal healthcare, all the nice stuff here in Europe is social-democratic, not socialist