Fter the first year usually they stop
Fter the first year usually they stop
Brave isn’t a thrust-worthy company
That’s good, commendable, and necessary. But it might not be enough. I don’t think we are at the point of murder yet, but we are definitely past the point of just voting.
Threads on Lemmy are open for everyone to see, isn’t that neat?
Nobody will actually change anything for you, unless you work on it. All of you, all of us collectively. I’m calling you now, do something.
You can see some in this very thread
You are so convinced about my motivations, I hust have to assume it’s a projection
I’m continuing apologising for premium exclusively because it pays creators more, and more consistently. I never go on the internet without all the adblocks possible, the sight of an add makes me irrationally angry. I’m still paying for premium
They both can and frequently do influence the information you are exposed to on social media to influence your decision making. Not you specifically, unless you someone very important, but your demographic in a broader sence. The more data they have on you, the more effective this process is.