I do audiology research and can tell you right now, short of a cochlear implant -no we can’t. And we are easily about two decades away from anything close. And even then, a CI can’t make music sound as good as your ears. There is no ‘one’ place in the brain you can imput music into. The most dense and easiest place to input the music is in the cochlea, like a cochlear implant does. Every place up the chain then branches out to thousands of connections and makes it harder and harder. And every step higher up that you try to interface into means you are skipping the initial signal generator and lose out on all the needed fidelity. The next step above a CI is an ABI, auditory brainstem inplant. And they sound so bad, just going one stop up from the cochlea, that those users barely can understand speech and only in the best settings. And normally after about a year of auditory therapy with it. Realistically we tell people (the handfull a year who will end up with one) that they should expect to get sound awareness, and that’s it, from their ABI. And now Elon talks about wanting to go another half dozen steps up from that and magically have the fidelity to make it sound like music?? GTFO. This guy is a moron and doesn’t know what he is talking about.
Seconded. Pull gpu. Test. If persist, pull first stick of ram, cycle other sticks up. Test. Alternatively use a mem test.
Either a bad gpu or an early mem block could do this.
If neither solve the issue, it could be a mobo issue, but less likely.