I make games
Sometimes on Halloween when families are out trick or treating themselves, they’ll leave a bowl of candy out in front of their house with a sign that says something like “take one per child”.
This is a play on that, but it’s a bump of cocaine per child. You’re supposed to snort it using the key.
Yea, it comes from the verb form of cock, meaning to tilt, same word used when we cock a gun. So one eye is just tilted.
Hmmm, there’s one part of the recording that’s edited out right after Louis asks “Did you have more capability to fly it because of your lizard reflexes?” He says “I’ve got a thought for you…” But what does he say next? Why did they cut it??
The image shows the hangman fully drawn, and dead. This means the player guessing letters lost. The header says that the parent lost. This means that the parent, a fully grown adult, looked at BI__IONAIRE and guessed a letter other than L. So when they said “I’m doing something right,” they must not have been talking about playing hangman lmao