XBMC is still a thing?
XBMC is still a thing?
From what I understand this is a problem with FAT32 formatted drives specifically since it doesn’t use the Linux file system. Reformatting is not an option at the moment.
What this does is give my user ownership when you plug in a usb device, which allows rw.
I have it set up to mount on startup, but it mounts to root ownership. Now, I remount it and the owner becomes my user.
I honestly can’t remember what I did to make it happen, but it always mounts to /mnt/drivename
I’m using this for a Jellyfin server. Before I added this rule, I couldn’t add folders past the drive itself as a library, so I see this as progress. I just want to edit meta data now.
Edit: I do have it in my fstab file listed by device ID with these settings:
LABEL=drivename /mnt/drivename/ auto rw,user,exec,nofail,x-gvfs-show,dev,auto 0 0
Ah yes, I forgot his name was Tim.
I know You Could Be Mine was for the soundtrack and was playing while they were riding John’s dirt bike, but I don’t recall the music playing in the hallway when the T-800 appears.
Yeah the arcade scene near the beginning. John and his pal scam an ATM using some Atari thing then go to the arcade. T-1000 shows up, the friend lies to him, warns John. John runs out the back to encounter the T-800, who John doesn’t know is friendly yet, as he pulls a Gun from a box of Roses
Good! Don’t make art for me. Make it for yourself! If you love it, so will others! :D
I’m a huge Motörhead fan. Sorry, this one is cute, but the other one is better.
Holy shit I love it
Bcc everyone
Dude, pupusas are soooooo good.
I’m Canadian and didn’t get to try them until I was in my 20s thanks to my friend.
I mean you do have options. We have the labour board here in Canada.
You don’t tell your employer you’re talking to them. You let them contact the employer. They can’t fire you while an investigation is ongoing.
This is why you don’t ask.
Also, you don’t really need a whole day. I’m also Canadian. Employers are required to allow you time to do it, not an entire day.
I would phrase the question like this: “I need to take time to go vote. Would you prefer I take the morning or afternoon off?”
If they so no to both, you say “you know it’s illegal not to allow me time off to vote, right?”
I’ve changed careers since the last election, but as a driver I’d just say “I’m going to swing by the polling place in my way to or back from wherever” and it was never a problem.
Shoulda gone with something like this
I feel like that was more a failure of shoe-horning in a reference to the original Star Trek II rather than a casting failure.
Take out the Kahn stuff and keep the same plot and it would be much better.
Yup. Characters should remain consistent if it’s important.
Tonto should not have been played by Johnny Depp. Gross.
The original Ancient One was a poor stereotype of a Tibetan person and Tilda Swinton is cool so I’m ok with this one.
Liam Neeson is a great actor with a ton of gravitas and he pulled off the role well, but yeah shoulda found a middle eastern dude. Maybe that hot Djin dude from American Gods can be the next Ras Al Ghul.
Anything to do with Scarlet Witch’s background is a retcon, she was originally introduced as Magneto’s moustache twirling daughter. Despite her tan in the referenced photo she’s more often depicted as white, but I could see her being middle eastern, but it would make sense that she’s half Jewish at least, given her father’s background.
Lastly, she’s a fucking mermaid. Who gives a shit? How many of the dude bros bitching even watched it?
The word “carnivore influencer” just set me off haha.
It’s so fucking obvious is it that these people are paid by the meat industry.
Like, seriously. NOBODY has ever thought eating nothing but meat was a good idea until veganism became somewhat mainstream.
It’s reactionary bullshit to keep the profits coming.
I rolled over my charger end in my office chair. Now it’s 50/50 whether it’s charged in the morning. :(
Cuz I’m broke and Hollywood isn’t. It’s wealth redistribution. /s….? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That movie is fantastic, but why is Warren Beaty such a knob?