So which app do you recommend for paying with Google Pay or Apple Pay
So which app do you recommend for paying with Google Pay or Apple Pay
Thanks I appreciate your guides sir and I don’t now how can I be thankful for you’re support
Yeah and besides I’m going to use Haveno for all of my future Monero Buying Needs
Thx dude you given me hope in buying xmr again
Thanks I will try later
But I don’t have any time for Mining Monero and my Sandisk usb has ended its life by August
Look I just want to find the easiest solution using at least kraken or an easy to use dex
It’s because it’s almost impossible to get Monero easily in 2024 and if could help me that well be nice
Yeah I agree with you on that but I wish possibly Linux would have understood that Graphene is the best os in the privacy and security space nether the less the better choice between it and Calyx
Can y’all stop this bs it’s just whackass ridiculous battle between two Android oses
I was talking with Matchbox Banana Synergy in their Matrix Support Room and they said that there’s still no interest in making Graphene OS Lite for Pixel Devices which is very unfortunate since it won’t take 5 years to make but the GOS is still good to use just not easy like Lineage Or Calyx
Welp then I think we have to sue them to oblivion S/ But really can’t blame most people whose Are Accustomed to using TeleGram And WhatsUp