As a tall freak of nature, I’m just thrilled when I find a shirt that reaches that low. You shorts don’t know how good you have it.
As a tall freak of nature, I’m just thrilled when I find a shirt that reaches that low. You shorts don’t know how good you have it.
He was a short lived mascot for burger king meant to compete with Ronald McDonald. His constant talk of things trickling down however made mothers with small children nervous and uncomfortable. He was axed in favour of an Al Bundy themed line of iced teas.
I’ve been trying real hard not to spend money on a bread machine.
Just this morning. Such a helpful kitty. Although the bringing to bed part could probably be skipped.
Lol, I was just thinking this would be a problem for about 5 min before some asshole shot at it. I always thought it was hilarious when people talked about delivery drones.
The fact insurance companies are, and trying to leave these markets is terrifying. How many millions live in structures unsuited to their environment.