Low key why I despise daylight savings.
I like it when I wake up early with the sun, and end the day just as it gets dark. Daylight savings forces you to wake up groggily in the dark and stay up late while you wait for the sun to set.
Low key why I despise daylight savings.
I like it when I wake up early with the sun, and end the day just as it gets dark. Daylight savings forces you to wake up groggily in the dark and stay up late while you wait for the sun to set.
Ducks are necrophilic rapists that have corkscrew penises with explosive erections, so this is actually terrifying
They were picked up in the West as well, but not as well known probably because they weren’t viewed as fashionable. They’re called Pattens FYI
Patten (shoe) - Wikipedia - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patten_(shoe)
Nothing weird about making sure people don’t accidentally fertilise their eggs