Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.
Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.
The timestamp in the coffeezilla video.
Watch the whole thing for more detail.
! will welcome you.
Glances at the child gambling enabled by the steam marketplace, an issue being blatantly ignored by Valve leadership.
Buddy, I don’t know how to tell you this. I love Valve for all the good they do, but they got some serious skeletons, too.
Valve representatives were asked point blank if the third party gambling sites have a positive influence on their bottom line, and the dude replying sweated bullets for several seconds before nervously going “we… don’t have any data on that” while the rest stared daggers at him.
Coffeezilla has a recent video on the situation.
TBF, if it’s a small farm, they could easily list all the cows for a certain batch of product.
You can actually deGoogle android.
You can’t really deApple iOS or macOS, or deMicrosoft Windows.
If there’s a “right” amount of sleep, I’ve yet to figure out what it is.
Was definitely on by default on my device.
Personal data is still accessible, if the app you choose to pin is something like the dialer, or your mail app, then yes, you can obviously access contacts and emails. The feature doesn’t block the pinned app from accessing everything it normally accesses.
As for opening other apps, this applies to stuff like links or launchers. If the app has links somewhere, you could open your default browser app. It does not allow you to “escape” the pinned app to anywhere else in the system, unless the pinned app has a way to launch other apps the way launchers do.
The feature could certainly use improvement, but if it were only useful with people you trust, it would be pointless.
It’s obviously intended for situations where you have to let someone use your phone, and don’t want to give them free reign. With people you trust, you wouldn’t need something like that.
It’s far better than nothing, and is in fact part of android.
It is.
Apple has “guided access”, android has “pin app”.
I only have experience with the latter, it works by opening the task management view, and selecting “pin application” on a running app.
That then locks the device to that app. To access anything else, it has to be unlocked as if the screen were locked.
There is on mine.
I just pet him a bit a pull him closer, and pretty quick he’s opting to snooze right along with me.
Oh I’m sure there’s still some super mean spirited stuff that happens today, but it remains interpersonal and fairly private.
The old timey stuff was more like the kind where some scientist would go out of their way to straight up publicly slander people with ideas they thought were bad.
The modern equivalent would be like scientists calling each other “smooth brained” on twitter for proposing new theories that didn’t immediately make sense.
Scientist trash talking used be savage af.
Nowadays though there have been enough “trashed” theories that later turned out correct, that people have learned not to discount any possibility.
The experimental Element X client implements it only for mobile, and on desktop you must use the separate Element-call client.
Everything else still uses jitsi.
Like I said, it’s in development. Yes, you can jump some hoops to use it, but jitsi in element (and other matrix clients) is sticking around for a while yet.
Adorkability can be super effective. It’s just that you have no idea whether it’s working.
Matrix currently just uses jitsi for group video calls. Native functionality is in development.
Well yeah, you’d still have the limitation that you can’t connect multiple devices at the same time. But the idea is that just like before, nothing is actually stopping you from having as many devices as you like ready to go, all able to be used one at a time.
I already commented on this, but do they actually block you from setting up multiple devices with the same key?
I’ve had my own server node for a while, there’s nothing stopping me from using the same key and config on multiple client devices, as long as I don’t connect them at the same time.
I’m not limited to five keys, obviously, but the keys aren’t device specific. I could set up just one on the server, and then use it everywhere.
Does Mullwad stop this in some way?
That’s a pity.
Is there something preventing you from having the same key ready for use on more than one device? So that two devices that are never connected at the same time can take turns using the same key?
TL;DR They are moving to wireguard only.
I’m ok with that.
That would probably be ReVanced, modded version of the official client. Fully supports both, just enable em from the settings.