Truth hurts some but eases others irritation.
Truth hurts some but eases others irritation.
So they are stupid.
Don’t bring a splayd to a spork fight.
Its just another troll. You give them labels like tankie but they are just trolls.
I get woken up for it by idiots wasting a lot of money.
Some kid in Hoboken is gonna set your house on fire with it.
I guess I’m top left. If it has to be that three. I’m pretty sure whoever came up with that needs to show us where IT touched them on the Anatomically Neutral doll.
We are too busy getting shit done to worry about the idiots.
I have always had a very good map of my surroundings in mind. I’m pretty sure it applies in the water. Once during some water rescue training they had a class where they gave us opaque googles and spun us in the water so we could experience what it would be like in dark murky water with no sight reference. No matter what they did the second they let go of me I shot straight for the surface. It really bothered the instructor that I could do that. He wasn’t really happy with my beating his best time underwater on one breath contest by two minutes. He shouldn’t have bragged beforehand then everyone wouldn’t have known.
Actual research finds that annual “deaths caused due to lack of insurance” is around 40-50 thousand
I’m gonna trigger that alarm and cheer.
I was a young adult when I bought falcon 3.0. I was two days from home and spent the car ride reading that book that came with it. It quickly ended up on the shelf above the toilet and I spent a many evacuations looking through it. I have never before or since bought a game with a larger manual.
There was a star trek novel dealing with it. I read it but don’t remember any details. My favorite along those lines was the ringworld books.