Okay, but where is the instance that is trying to model itself after slashdot? (I feel old)
Okay, but where is the instance that is trying to model itself after slashdot? (I feel old)
Yeah. Perfume and smoke does it for me as well. Sweet liquor on the breath. Smells like trouble.
Sounds like your grandfather was a wise man. That’s a great story!
Luckily, I’ve never ended up in a survival situation. However, I have a few habits. I keep a fire source or two in my truck, zippo in my jeans. Feel naked without a pocket knife and keep a knife or two in my truck. I also keep a piece of pine heart in my truck bed. Has come in handy many times and I’ve built fires in southern February thunderstorms.
Taught my kids how to build a one match fire with just a knife and a match when they were in elementary school.
Also taught them to never go in the woods without a knife, fire, and water. Taught them how to find pine heart. Probably time for a refresher course for my son on fire building.
I’ve been trying to teach my son how to sharpen knives, but it requires a level of stubbornness that he doesn’t have yet. (I don’t see the point in all those fancy angled sharpeners.) Use a flat stone, diamond preferred for speed and sharpness. You can make any sort of edge you want. Get good, and in a pinch you can sharpen a knife or other piece of metal with a brick or flat rock.
Very nice. Never owned a Benchmade, can’t justify spending that on myself. 😁 I carry Chinese Kershaws, easy to sharpen and I can beat the hell out of them without guilt. I’m a cheap knife person, other than the Victorinox Swiss Champ I also always carry (on my fifth or so). Like Dexter Russell and Mora for fixed blades.
Any chance you’d share the survival stories?
Here are our kitchen knives, mostly carbon Dexter Russell:
What kind of knife? Also, just like cats, got a pic?
This bullshit doesn’t help your cause at all. I’m the rare omnivore that is actually sympathetic to moral issues of factory farmig and animal suffering.
You need to like unfuck your head and try to turn down whatever preaching you’re listening to. That’s some bad religion that’s got ahold of you.
You’re no different than those ‘pro-life’ whack jobs.
There it is.
So, as an ignorant teenager, cleaning chicken houses of rotten corpses and chicken shit for $5/hr: I was actually fucking those chickens? I was kid chicken raper? The steers I raised in elementary school, I suppose I fucked them as well.
See, that’s the thing. I saw how bad it was and have worked and saved for many years so I will no longer have to participate in a system that involves industrial suffering.
But nope, I’m totally such a raper. Fuck you and your sanctimonious bullshit. You don’t know me or my circumstances. I know plenty of Southern Baptists and Church of Christ that spew this same shit. Y’all would get along real well, if you only listened to your tones and didn’t pay attention to the words.
Fucking fanatics can suck my fucking balls, all y’all the same.
Here on Lemmy I’ve been accused of torturing and raping animals as I’m unashamedly an omnivore. I’m a hunter as well.
I worry about animal suffering enough that we’ve bought a small farm and hope to raise all our own meat. I’ve actually worked on factory farms and know firsthand the suffering of animals under that system.
However, there are fanatical vegans on Lemmy that do a fantastic job of driving away those of us sympathetic to vegan ethics and morality.
Yes, them calling me a rapist totally made we want to be like them and adopt their ideology.
Their strain of it appears to be poison religion like fundamentalist Christianity or Islam. A fanatic is a fanatic, whatever paint they’re dipped in. Guess they’re just trying to fill a hole in themselves.
For a large chunk of my career, I worked in aerospace and ‘defense’ machining. Made all kinds parts for all kinds of weapons, it was really cool! Murica! As I got older, I lost my religion, I lost the far right brainwashing I was raised with.
My hands were making weapons that the US government was often selling to other countries. My hands were making weapons to kill various groups of brown people all over the world. It really began to bother me.
I no longer make things to kill people.
Yes, you are culpable for the effects of what you produce in your profession. A thinking person should consider the effects of their work.
“see how any religion applies?!”
Atheist of fundamentalist protestant extraction. Aren’t like some of the Buddhists pretty cool? Especially the Zen Buddhists. Also, Sikhs seem cool. And the Jainists.
I could totally be wrong. Organized religion is a terrible thing in almost all of my experience.
Wiccans have been real cool in my experience. They have really fun orgies.
Just point me to the Natalie Portman and hot grits.