Out of curiosity, did you host your server as a public one that is advertised as open to all? Or did you just not set access controls and someone just found it?
Out of curiosity, did you host your server as a public one that is advertised as open to all? Or did you just not set access controls and someone just found it?
You can try this https://www.iwf.org.uk/en/uk-report/
I would suggest doing it with the tor browser as to not be associated with it in any way.
Sadly without the actual content and giving your server away for forensics, this might not go anywhere. But! It can help build a case, especially if any of the pii (ip, username, etc) you provide is already being investigated.
Really, anything works. I use a decade old desktop that in it’s prime was used for MS Office and emails, so if that thing runs smoothly, I think anything will.
What? Like, yeah you are responsible to do your own checks, sure. but the fuq you said about docker?
Look, defaults are a thing and if your defaults suck then you’ve made a mistake and if your default is to save a 100GB of log file in one file then something is wrong. The default in Dockers should just be not to save any log files on the persistent volumes.
Nc is great, it really is amazing that it is foss. Sure it isn’t the slickest or fastest, and it does need more maintenance than most foss services, but it is also more complex and has so many great features.
I really recommend nc, 99% of the time it just works for me. It just seems that their docker was done pretty poorly imo, but still it just works most of the time.
This is a docker! If your docker is marketed as ready to go and all-in-one, it should have basic things like that.
If I were running this as a full system with a user base then of course I would go over everything and make sure it all makes sebse for my needs. But since my needs were just a running nc instance, it would make sense to run a simple docker with mostly default config. If your docker by default has terrible config, then you are missing the point a bit.
It can be fidgety, especially if you stray from the main instructions, generally I do think it’s okay, but also updates break it a bit every now and again.
Yes! When I read that I need a second instance for cron I was like “wtf?” I know NC are not the only ones doing that but still
Oh, I do it all manually since I find it harder to keep track when things happen automatically.
But I know it has all kinds plugins for importing transactions
FF3 is great, I have used it for years and I can’t complain
Small yaml files are, big complex ones are a nightmare.
I wonder what is the percentage of nuts tech ceos.
Seems to be abnormally high
It’s also possible to be in a stereotypical privileged position while still suffering from terrible things such as health issues that are not covered and are costly.
Second hand, no money for them
I would start by saying that we should all keep the idea of donations in our minds everyday in my opinion, and maybe you should consider donating if you say that you can, you know, be the change you want to see.
But I think you are missing the point that even if your final decision is the same as a billionaire, that is to donate 0%-1% of your savings, you are still not in the same category, not amount wise, not savings wise, and not impact wise. You not donating 10% of your savings does actually make a significant difference in you life while making an insignificant difference in comparison to what a billionaire can donate. A billionaire can donate a significant percentage of his savings with an insignificant difference to himself, while making a significant difference for others.
The billionaire is choosing not to make a really really significant good deed with almost zero consequences to himself, you are choosing not to do an admirable deed that has a tolerable but very real difference to you.
So it might seem the same, but in reality these are not even comparable situations.
Not the same.
Imagine you had an income of 100K a year (as far as I understand this is considered nice but not rich) You pay tax, rent, food, car (maybe a beater, maybe a nice one, not a luxurious one), anything else that most would consider basic expenses. Now you are left with maybe 30K extra? Sure, that is a lot of money, but you do need to save some for you retirement, health complications, and plenty of unexpected things, not to mention if you have kids.
Let’s say that you could save only 15K a year and donate the other 15K to charity, this means that you are donating 15% of your income, or more importantly, 50% of your savings. All of this while living a pretty average life style.
Now take someone who earns just 1M a year, not even a billionaire. Sure they might be living some crazy lifestyle that probably costs them a lot, but that is a choice that is wildly different then the choice of living bare bones compared to an average lifestyle. Meaning, that if they were to live an average lifestyle, maybe a bit extra, let’s say that they pay all the same things but with an added 10%, they will now be left wit about 920K a year, even if they donate only 10% of their savings, they would still donate 613% of what you donated. And if they went with saving like you, heck, even 6 times what you save, so 90K a year, they would be able to donate 830K, so 55 times what you can donate.
And this is a millionaire, not a billionaire…
So yes, if you have expendable income I think it is your moral obligation to figure out how much you can donate and do that, but you will never share the same responsibility as a millionaire, let alone a billionaire.
Fuck em.
Firefly III
Amazing, really hit’s the spot of fully featured but a tool and not a new system you need to learn
The Beanles