Sounds like Root Explorer would be suitable.
Oh, I wasn’t aware of the Paperless app! Thanks!
Yes, absolutely
This, but Read You app instead.
…I managed to do the same too, just trying to scroll up on a question, and despite having read both these comments.
Starting to think it’s a ‘them’ problem
Brilliant article - but it looks like it’s now been removed. Would be impressive if someone at Dotpe got wind in such a short space of time…
Depends on which computer I’m using. Netscape 4 still works relatively well, as long as you’re selective about which sites you try to access.
Why all three? Redundancy?
Skip the construction paper, just use a magazine
AntennaPod is pretty great. They even have an article on migrating from Google:
I’ve found XnView to be a good IrfanView replacement. (Granted it’s not QUITE as good; same as how there isn’t anything quite as good as Notepad++)
As for Lynx on Windows, looks like it’s available through Scoop!