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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • I want to switch to Linux, but I’ve used windows for over half of my life, since my dad got a computer running win 3.1. Making the switch is hard, I have so many apps which I have a perfect workflow with. Directory opus for example, no Linux version. I need control for my corsair led junk. That’s hard on Linux too. Recently I tried to fix a raspi running Linux to see my NAS drives. I failed. I know a lot has Linux support, but it’s just too much for me right now to actually grow the balls to fucking do it. While at the same time Microsoft is working hard to make windows even worse then it already is. I’d switch to 10, but end this year updates will be paid subscription. Fuck Microsoft.

  • Back in the day, I did this with an entire discography while I was on holiday (left pc on for downloading, forgot winamp was still playing as my amp was off). When I got back, I was the top Air listener on LastFM (kept track of listened songs) by far. I held the title for many years until I removed my account.

  • But 10m out of 210m is ~5%. In your case 10m is ~2000% so you can’t really compare it. If you do want to compare it, it’s like you would loose ~5% out of your yearly salary, so 2.7k out of 54k. The question is, would you prefer to trade in 5% of your income for human safety, or do you prefer people to die?

  • People may die, but CEO’s have feelings too! How would you feel if you only earn 200mljn instead of 210. I don’t get it why no one ever takes the side of big companies and always look at people suffering by these companies. Oh wait, no, that’s not true, most American citizens indeed voted in favor of big companies and CEO’s at the cost of the general public. Never mind then.

  • It’s so I hopefully get the right answer so I don’t have to switch to an alternative for my calender (just switched from Google), my mail, vpn and password manager. I am a paying customer since May 2019. I was happy with Proton and what they stand for, their CEO is now ruining everything. “We want to switch to a foundation so our goal will be preserved.” Sure… Spreading fake news and taking a political stance in the US, while at the same time claiming to be Swiss neutral. Why do almost all techbros have to become evil now Trump is becoming president again. Even Swiss foundations.

  • That’s what ups are for.

    When I was in the navy, when the ventilation would go out there’s a fire somewhere (real or excersize). There’s a fan next to your head in your bed (annoying AF). When it would go out, you’d wake up in fear, jump out of bed and put on your clothes asap before the fire will be notified over speakers. After 5 months at sea, I couldn’t sleep without a fan next to me. Waking up in fear multiple times every night. Luckily that’s all over now. Now I can’t sleep because the world is so fucked up.