More or less the same you’d have working for Grumen or Lockheed. NASA wind tunnels were often critical tools in developing more efficient drone designs, for example. The product is the data, and you get no say in how that data is used.
More or less the same you’d have working for Grumen or Lockheed. NASA wind tunnels were often critical tools in developing more efficient drone designs, for example. The product is the data, and you get no say in how that data is used.
Currently have a contractor offer from NASA I’m probably going to turn down for a mom and pop electrical repair company lmao
Doesn’t take much to be principled.
Clearly the only way to be sure is to destroy Arizona.
Swords are actually the only weapons specifically designed to kill people. Every other weapon used by humanity is or was a tool for another task at one point. Axes can be used to cut down trees, maces are just fancy hammers, and spears were the first real hunting tools for large game. Swords stand above all other weapons in that it’s use is specifically engineered to be as dangerous to humans as possible. It’s too long to be used effectively as a knife and too fragile to use as any other tool. It’s almost as dangerous to the person wielding it as the person it’s used on. It’s remarkable how every other killing tool used by man has other purposes, but the sword really has just the one.