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It’s just colors, if colors evoke blind hatred in someone, I likely wouldn’t want them around me anyways. It looks to me like an interlinked web of different nodes. Which seems to be a pretty accurate representation of the hosting and federations.
You mean the short staffed construction companies, which means increased costs to get houses built and repaired… Surely that won’t increase insurance costs when repair costs go up. Good job Florida, combat high insurance prices by cutting the labor market of those doing the work. Oops
I don’t look into VPNs often but I have used PIA (Private Internet Access)for years because their prices were cheap. I integrate them into Linux using OpenVPN. Is there anything I am missing out on not using mullvad or windscribe?
Guy is anti union, anti strikes, anti publically accessible healthcare, anti cheaper healthcare, anti snap, anti helping the homeless, anti paying overtime, and pro taxing the populous via tariffs while lowering taxes for the ultra rich. He doesn’t want regulations on price gouging/increases for food, housing…
For the working class how? Fucking joke that people think anything he does is for them
Edit: throw in, against VA funding and shits on the military just about anytime he doesn’t get exactly what he wants
Nah, Deadpool already used it, it’s like an unwritten rule. When a guy in spandex runs around making millions faking a fight scene with it, you aren’t supposed to reuse it.
Yeah I get you, the motorcycle accident trying to avoid a turtle in the road was my accident. I was only going about 15mph when I dodged it but clipped a curb and went over the handlebars. The hit to the head is why an ambulance can take you against your will. If you are “in your faculties” they cannot force you to go… but if concussed or such they can take you either way because you may be a danger to yourself or others.
They likely do not know the price before you get in either. It is going to be a different amount for every person, and varied by insurance. And the companies will make up numbers and try to get as much as they can.
~$16,000 is what it cost me to unwillingly go to a hospital in an ambulance, given an MRI (with my phone, wallet still in my pockets… Thankfully only my head went in I guess) and then released 4 hours later blood still dried on my face and told to see my normal doctor to get the results. Had torn something in my thigh and lost a molar, but neither of those issues were addressed. My buddy picked me up and we were gone.
That was 2016 prices. Young and dumb and made a stupid mistake…
I imagine that is just online though. Finding someone desperate on the street couldn’t be that hard. Guys card declines buying groceries… Follow him to his car and offer him some money.
Or maybe go on Craigslist or one of those jobs sites and just look for a handyman. If your desperate enough to be offering services on Craigslist, they are probably desperate enough to take money.
When the people are struggling, morality becomes questionable. If I wasn’t on a list before typing this… I’m sure I am now… Oops
I said elsewhere in this comment section, the person who can pardon his murder charges was the office he was running for. So had he won the election he would have been able to pardon himself.
Well to be fair if you murdered someone to become governor, the charges would be brought by the state, and the only person who can pardon state charges is uh … The governor, so you know. Yeah he’d probably have pardoned himself if he got elected.
I also remember Coke, Pepsi, and Nestle being claimed as the highest plastic polluters as well.
She’s got an oven in the center of her kitchen, that’s gotta be an American AI person haha. Who would think… you know what, cabinets shouldn’t be flush with this, and let’s put the potatoes in a pot on the sill. AI pictures do have fun surprises I must admit
Great, now you’ve got a stranger in your kitchen and people shooting at your family
Yeah i didn’t catch that, thanks
You can also increase speed by not using any propellers or moving parts. At supersonic speeds you capture the air, compress it into a chamber than hit it with a spark and blow the fucker up. That’s how a ramjet engine works. China just made one that uses pulse like combustions in a engine that’s only about a foot wide, and maybe 13 feet long. Speeds up to mach 4… or 5000km/h (3100mph) at about 65,000 feet.
I wish I owned a garage. Or a house. Or a fucking shed. Need to start smaller. Maybe food first. We’ll work our way into it
Another fun one is that in the phrase “three sheets to the wind” Sheets do not refer to the sails as many believe, they actually refer to the ropes that tie down the sales. So you lose a sheet, the sail becomes less predictable. If you lost 3 sails I think you’d just be dead in the water most times, not stumbling about
Let me know how you come out. Happy digging rabbit. Happy digging.
Edit: One of the crazy things in that wiki article to me was it listed ~1,000,000 shots fired, and only about 34 dead.
That would mean if the average person shot 100 rounds, and they knew 300 other people in attendance, on average 1 of those 300 may have actually shot someone dead.
I liked the movie League of Extraordinary Gentlemen back in the day, but now I know what he meant when he quoted Americans as “fire enough bullets and hope to hit the target”