To clarify, they have a badge in the proton client you’re in the ios mail app. Everything I can tell from this email makes it seem legit, this may be a false positive on you’re end ‘mfraid.
To clarify, they have a badge in the proton client you’re in the ios mail app. Everything I can tell from this email makes it seem legit, this may be a false positive on you’re end ‘mfraid.
This looks like they’re using the iOS mail client
Can confirm in the iOS app that messages from proton official have a special badge
Well that’s an awfully specific gun reference for someone who hates them so much.
Great mini doc from ars technica
Ooooooh! Ok that’s really cool. Thank you so much for taking the time to explain that!
Sorry if this question is easily answerable by reading and I’m just missing it. But I genuinely don’t really understand what this product does or what its use case is. Is it a usb stick that gives you kvm access to a computer from a remote location? Like call up someone in another building ‘hey plug the jet into tower X so I can remote in?’ In which case how is this better/worse/just different from a software solution like Barrier? Sorry if I’m being borderline deliberately obtuse but the website gives no info on the home page at all.
Edit: I think I understand better, digging into it more. But if anyone has an ELI5 I would greatly appreciate it.
I mean, it being the slower part of the annual news cycle is probably a factor in the timing of said plowing.
I’ll be honest I’m anticipating some brain dead take about unions being ineffectual/anti-worker. But hoping for the best.
Also WHAT?
In like 4 different ways too
Ok wait what the fuck is the background to this photo? A circular box fan, the midsection of a child, and an N64 controller?
Tiny eye would only turn up the og cover, did you find any copies or links to this anywhere else? I would def believe this was an alt cover posted somewhere by a staffer/artist but I couldn’t find anything that had this image referenced.
Not to be a party pooper but I’m pretty sure this isn’t a real mad cover, unless op works at mad this looks like a fan creation.
Right but as I said in the other thread as well, what do you think is handling the text part of text-to-image creation tools?
Pasting my comment from the other post of this addressing OP:
What is this from? Did you print this? Why would you leave the og price and date tho? And no context? C’mon now this is an interesting story. But also, not something actually made by MAD Magazine… unless you work there? For those who don’t know what this is referencing:
And as far as I can tell OPs image is not an actual MAD cover.
I mean not as much anymore since the end of the shuttle program. Huntsville is where a lot of vehicle production but a lot of that is private companies like ULA, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, etc. with govt contracts and subsidies. There’s only about 7k direct nasa employees at Marshall.