I thought maybe it’s “I am, baby”
I thought maybe it’s “I am, baby”
9% of the global population is in extreme poverty not 50%
Similarly- when a person is hanging off a building or cliff by one arm, and holding something heavy or another person with the other. It requires an INSANE amount of strength to hold that position, let alone actually haul them back up.
I don’t really know what you’re saying with most of these points, I think you’re calling me a racist for trying to interpret your statement about the original Jewish settlers being Arab.
I agree, nobody has a right to force you from your home. I strongly oppose Isreals settlements in the West Bank and their occupation of Gaza. I also oppose calls for their eviction from Israel. Can’t you see it’s the same thing? “But it was the Palistineans land first” you say- no, that is clearly untrue, Jewish people were living in Israel since the Iron Age, and it was the Arabs (and Romans) that evicted them.
And what’s this about land being taken from Arab Muslims to build the Jewish temples? You do know that Jewish people were living in Israel since before Islam was a religion right?
Wait so you’re saying the Jewish people of Judea/Kingdom of Israel were Arab? Genetically you kind of have a point (Palestinean people and Jewish are closely related) but culturally they are very different, at least since the founding of Judaism. But even if Jewish people were Arab, wouldn’t that mean that they have equal claim to the land with the Palestinians?
Israel is far from blameless, but their neighbors are far from innocent as well. They have all in the last half century done their best to kill Israeli civilians and take Israel off the map. The real solution here is to pressure Israel into negotiations and a peace settlement that involves a two state solution, which only the US government can do.
Well you are dead wrong about that, Jewish people lived in Judea (modern-day Israel) for about 2000 years before being evicted by the Romans in like 300 AD or so. The Arabs did not enter the region until AD 700. So, all told not only did the Jewish people live in Palestine long before the Arabs did, they have also been living their longer.
Does that mean that evicting the Palestinian people to found Isra was justified? I think no, and it has turned out to be a terrible mistake. But what is the difference really between the founding of Israel and your advocacy for evicting the Jewish people who live there now and returning it to the Palestineans?
That’s not quite what I said. I said several generations but that’s the idea- there is no point in evicting your great-grandchildren due to an illegal and immoral action you undertook.
Suppose the year is 3000 and Israel still exists and the palestinean people still want the land back. The Israeli “occupiers” have now been there for 1000 years. Would you still support giving the land to the Palestinians?
That is not remotely what I said
That’s pretty unrealistic in my opinion. Jewish people see Isreal as their ancestral homeland and they are already risking their lives to stay there. Millions of people would likely die rather than leave.
Two wrongs don’t make a right. It was wrong to push out Palestinians, but now that Israeli people have been their for generations it would be wrong to push them out too. There arent many human settlements without a record of eviction and occupation. Even the native American tribes occupied, annexed, and eradicated each other for millenia before Europeans arrived. In my opinion, once you live somewhere for a few generations it’s your land and you can’t be kicked out- that just adds more suffering to the world.
I think it’s a bit more complicated than that. It’s a messed up country, but it’s in an extremely messed up part of the world. All of their neighbors are nondemocratic ethnostates, and not even the apartheid kind, they’ve completely driven Jewish people out of their countries. I don’t think standing by and letting Isreal get overrun would be beneficial for the world. I don’t support their offensive military actions but that doesn’t mean I want to see what happens when Hamas/Hezbollah takes over their country.
Honestly, I think grocery store subs are really the best bang for your buck. Makes sense, they want to get you in the door and buy groceries there.
Whatever it is, it’s been around for at least 3 years.
Here’s the problem with that statement. I agree that there is a problem with men committing rape. However, I (along with most men) have never raped anybody. Furthermore I have not done anything to perpetuate the actions of the minority of men who do commit sex crimes. Therefore I do NOT take responsibility or admit fault for their actions. Saying that men as a whole are the problem is offensive and unhelpful. It’s how random peaceful Muslims feel when conservatives tell them they need to take responsibility for the actions of terrorists and take action to stop terrorists “in their community” like all Muslims are in one big group chat. I would straight up give my life to prevent a woman I don’t know from being raped. Idk what more you want from me.
Huh? Most people don’t have enough cash to pay off their home, let alone save up enough to be able to buy a backup home. That’s what insurance is for- it protects you from expenses that would be ruinous if you had to pay them out of pocket. The insurance company takes in more than it pays out, but it’s worth it for home insurance (and health insurance in the good old US of A). It’s why buying insurance on some $100 tech thing is always a ripoff.