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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 31st, 2024


  • “Socialist hell”, the joke is about what Americans say every time someone says that maybe, just maybe the government could invest the tiniest bit into the well being of its people. Often enough they lose their shit, calling you a communist for suggesting an idea that’s not even barely left.

    Do you actually not get it, or just using the opportunity to dunk on Norway? Cus like, fair I guess.

  • LANIK2000@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    3 months ago

    A homeless person forcefully providing the “service” of cleaning my window has negative value to me. So does Google ruining websearch and undermining web security and in tern national security too. Google hasn’t provided my life any value, while making the world a worse place. I was inclined to say YouTube provided me value in the past, until I remembered Google didn’t make it and that it used to be much better before they bought it.

    And yes, money is quite literally subjective. That’s not a hotly debated subject, rather a cornerstone of all modern economic models. And complaining about wages makes sense, because we’re forced to live under this fragile system that directly dictates our well being, while heavily favoring making the world worse. Capitalism requires constant cashflow and it’ll use any tool (like inflation) to coerce people into complying. It literally can’t exists without shit like planned obsolescence or induced addiction as people being satisfied and contempt with their material possessions would hinder the flow of money.

  • The contradiction didn’t exist, until you assumed another idea they never demonstrated. They wouldn’t agree that a company’s market share should directly translate into compensation for individuals, because it has “intrinsic value”. It’s only a contradiction if you belive that they belive in the same dogma of “obvious truths” you propose. They could very well say that everyone’s work or life has intrinsic value. Again, who is right or wrong doesn’t matter in this case, just that they belive something else, than what you assume they do.

    Personally, I’d argue “intrinsic value” is subjective bullshit as we people are the harbingers of meaning and in turn value, and that a system that awards value as you describe is monopolistic and so detrimental to society at large and thus has negative value.

    You can say I’m wrong, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s yet another example of a view that isn’t contradictory to your “obvious truths” as it simply builds on different values. A thing that’s different in every culture FYI.

  • Your point is irrelevant to what they said, as it is arguing a completely different point. The question of what work can one person possibly bring and how much they deserve for it vs the question of is your value to society dictated by your employer’s market share. Two quite distinct can’o’worms. The idea of one being multiple times more valuable due to their market is in direct conflict with the idea of “a person can only make so much”. Regardless of which argument is right or wrong, it’s a strawman, just because they literally can’t hold that view xD

    And plese, do explain to me how me stating something, regardless of the truth of that statement, that has nothing to do with you, is strawmaning you? I’m genuinely curious how you arrived there lol. You can’t just keep using “no you” over and over. OR CAN YOU??? XD Or hold up, ya saying I’m strawmaning them instead? Please do elaborate xD

    Also I’m not disproving you, I’m being pedantic about semantics, you trying to double down just digs a deeper hole around you. If you don’t understand, I’m ending it here, a predictable discussion is quite boring.

  • Google AKA Wikipedia says “refuting an argument different from the one actually under discussion”

    They said that it takes a lot more than the sweat of literally only 2 people to make Google. And “No one has ever…made a billon dollars by…their effort alone.”.

    So to answer your question for them, no, they do not belive that. They belive all those people deserve a piece of the pie, as all of them are needed to keep everything afloat. Without your so called supporting staff, the 2 so called visionaries wouldn’t be able to bring forth shit and they sure a shell didn’t just put in more effort than everyone else to deserve the wealth an entire city would blush at.

    Also your weird fixation on logos is irrelevant here, or rather a completely separate discussion you started fighting the strawman.

    As for the janitor example, I’d need to do some wild assumptions like you to answer for them, so I’m not gonna bother.

    As for my personal opinion in all this? I’m honestly having too much fun watching from the outside to ruin it xD Fuck you’re a silly goober.

  • There’s a big difference between giving away 99.975% of your wealth, leaving your self with what 1 person can OPTIMISTICALLY make in a lifetime for retirement, and allowing people to scarp half of whatever is left after your life of destruction.

    Not only does that mean Gate’s grand children have a grandpa with unimaginable wealth and power, but half of that is still in the family and all of them and their children’s children are all set for an absolute decadent life even if they all decide to never move another muscle ever again. All while the world continues to burn rapidly, waiting for the dragon to bleed.

    This is the bare minimum, and they only do it to gain sympathy and trick us into believing they aren’t evil.

  • The 2008 crisis was an example of mass fraud, and I’d be happy to be proven wrong. You can’t point to historical data saying your investment strategy is safe, even tho you completely changed the model. Saying “mortgages are safe” doesn’t mean shit, if to compensate for demand you start handing out mortgages like candy.

    I think calling it gambling is quite charitable. And ofc all the scam artists banks got bailed out.

    The stock market in general is joke. There are so many stocks where it’s an open secret they are fake. Like the Ruble, Tesla and most crypto currencies. The stock market is a world of make believe, where any random decision can change everything. It still fascinates me that the second trump won with his tarifs on EVERYTHING, the stock market grew. What’s next? “Company CEO starts randomly shooting all his employees, stocks reach all time high!”

  • Curious, wouldn’t expect that from the US. Something to actually make life for people easier.

    Tho idk, wouldn’t really call that “free transportation”. Like I guess technically it is… Idk, I’m just used to buying a year ticket for public transit for like 120 bucks and using it to get literally anywhere, so it’s a little underwhelming to call it a bonus of school for me.

  • Curious where you live, because non of those were a thing where I live.

    Free transportation? You mean like your parents pay for it? Cus otherwise I’m confused.

    Cheap food exists outside school too. Be it canteens or homemade food.

    I’d argue that homework with parents more than kills any “free time” I had. Or rather I was the only kid that had free time, because I refused to do homework, ofc that meant getting yelled at by like every adult, but even slight freedom was worth it to me, even if it was lonely.

    And especially bad grades do indeed mean expulsion. It also means what school you’re allowed to go to, and in places like Germany even the level of education you’re allowed to reach and thus dictating your fate at such a young age. As for me, I happened to always be in the good enough range of grades, because my parents kept forcing me. If it wasn’t for their intervention, I’d have a complete fucking shit life now, just like all the kids with parents that didn’t care. It’s pure bullshit.

    School is hell. Words can’t expres how glad I am to have it behind me and I dread the day I’ll have a kid and I’ll have to see the system all over again.

  • Idk, I decided to not work on Fridays (a 20% pay reduction, but I personally feel it’s worth it) and there are like 50 weeks in a year, coupled with 5 weeks of payed vacation, since I only work 4 days that’s 50+5*4=70, which is over 2 months. And since I have no homework I can actually fucking enjoy my vacation and long weekends too!

    It just dawned on me I’m assuming you have the same work benefits as in Europe… If you live in a country that’s not blue than YIKES! I feel sorry for ya.

  • LANIK2000@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldLife is hard
    4 months ago

    Totally agree, except for school being better. Fuck school, from the bottom of my heart. Now I at least have the freedom to allocate some free time for my self and work on 1 thing that I understand. Not do homework for a million unrelated classes until my teachers stops bullying me or I kick the bucket.

  • I have no clue how they don’t get it. The selling point of fast food was always the speed, convenience and a price. They’ve been degrading all 3 of those selling points and now it’s just not fucking worth it anymore.

    But like it’s nothing new, I don’t belive I’m the only one, that for the last few years, every price hike just started picking less and less form the menu. And I’m not poor, far from it, I can definitely afford the price hikes, it’s just, once it’s 8x times more expensive than home cooking, the convenience no longer outweighs the shit ass quality. I hate paying as if I was at a fancy place and getting pure shit, might as well just go to a fancy place for fucks sake!