actions speak louder than retract, it’s not like big companies actually care about doing good stuff they just want to look good to get a little extra cash
actions speak louder than retract, it’s not like big companies actually care about doing good stuff they just want to look good to get a little extra cash
OK that’s cool, it explains a lot of times I’ve heard it mentioned in media but if I knew it was george orwell it might have clicked funny thing is I’ve listened to ode to catalonia I think it is but must have just blindly passed animal farm
I’m going to just come out and say it he has strong harambe energy
A child’s book?
What does a windmill have to do with anythjng
Sorry man but what do get out of that extra effort how ever small it is, “oh no I’m going to wait a bit longer while I’m on my phone”, maybe it’s because in from a small town and such things are pretty recent but they just feels like there’s dishonest about them
I don’t want to be a 30 year old boomer
Burn all the self checkouts, what do I get out of this lazy " automation " I’m not touching one till I get a discount for don’t someone else’s job
PS let me smash those stupid one way gates at the entrance with a hammer
Get excited about where ever we’re going because I know it should be awesome
No sorry that’s not how that should work
Ooh everything is motivation and what does plot have to do with anything
Couldn’t two face just be written to have flipped a coin and ending up burning half the money as a result
But for the joker motivation adds almost nothing
But how do not find “justified” evil boring at this point, not every bad guy should be macbeth or dr.frankenstein
It’s like that new stupid wicked witch movie that’s cooming out just because they are an antagonist doesn’t mean they can’t just be a villian, there can be decent characters that don’t need much back story or deep motivation like the joker or judge holden
Why do characters need moral nuance though?
Terrible cat looks sticky
Is there any way to use my own computer to take up summer off the dose traffic?
I have a question about blue shirt’s hands