I am really hoping someone makes a repopped shell for the analogue 3d and the 8bitdo controllers. I would absolutely splash for an og dk green set.
I am really hoping someone makes a repopped shell for the analogue 3d and the 8bitdo controllers. I would absolutely splash for an og dk green set.
The Emby mobile music player is awful. For whatever reason it will play and show your history on the desktop/server side but it doesn’t keep track on the mobile app.
I don’t have a recommendation but I have been looking for similar products. I am considering an esata setup to add my secondary array or a hotswap housing for switching backup drives. There are some pcie to esata adapters, you then just need power. Keeping it sata helps mitigate the risks of usb DAS connections with respect to corruption allegedly.
I don’t have a recommendation but I have been looking for similar products. I am considering an esata setup to add my secondary array. There are some pcie to esata adapters, you then just need power. Keeping it sata helps mitigate the risks of usb DAS connections with respect to corruption allegedly.
Emby will let you do it but you need a host server. Same with plexamp. Foobar2000 offers remote smb folder access but I don’t remember if it works as the library of it it just lets you download the files from smb.
Anecdotal plug, I have had the best luck with Toshiba drives. In my current NAS I am using seagate 12tb recert ironwolf drives but that only has a month of uptime so far.
Before those I ran Toshiba 4tb NAS drives, and before that Toshiba 2tb red drives for 8years with no issues and 100% uptime in a drivepool windows setup. My last couple of backup drives were 6th WD drives and I am 2 for 2 on premature drive failures with those.
I also refuse to run WD online type devices since the mybooklive/mycloud security issues that resulted in significant data loss and WD refused to patch it. Instead they gave pile a $50 credit for a new drive
I bought a bigass camp chef griddle for our back yard based on waffle house and japanese hibachi and it is completely worth it.
I am currently getting a replacement for my old win10+drivepool setup using hand me down parts from my old main pc. I decided to go with UNRAID this time and other than a few headaches, its been pretty simple to get going. I am already a big fan of the container/docker/app setup. My setup is 3 12tb seagate iron wolf nas drives recertified/refurbished from ebay, the nvme ssd I used as my prior boot drive as a cache drive, and a r7 1700 and ab350m pro 4 mobo with a pny xlr8 1070gpu. It was mostly free since I was replacing it with a newer gaming build. I think I spent $280 on the hdds?
No one makes a 65+" oled monitor so before anyone suggests “just buy a monitor” you can’t, I have looked.
Up until last year, I would have said get a good quality projector but even projectors have started getting infiltrated with smart “features” now.
Digital signage was also an option but oled options are basically non-existent and they often have matte screens that make the colors kind of mushy.
From what I have read online, the Sony tv offerings seem to be pretty unintrusive and don’t really care if you hook them up to the internet. The smart software is android tv based and can potentially be modded/stripped of google services. I have to do some more research though so don’t quote me on the above.
Our current TCL/Roku tv is dying and has turned out to be really bad smart/privacy wise and has gotten consistently worse performance wise over time. I’m currently evaluating options for its replacement and the Sony 65" oled is looking like the best one so far.
I named my old white bitfenix prodigy m “Baymax” because it was white and had rounded edges.