Oh, don’t get me wrong, I have an issue with factory farming too, but one evil doesn’t absolve another.
Oh, don’t get me wrong, I have an issue with factory farming too, but one evil doesn’t absolve another.
Only if we’re planning on going all “home alone” on them when they arrive.
Yup, and can confirm, it upgraded smoothly with no hiccups.
You bastard. Is nothing sacred?
Don’t tell me what to do.
Unfortunately if you require fully offline usage, that option doesn’t seem to be available via OSMand directly.
Why not just enable Microsoft Hybrid as an overlay map in OSMand?
Never had an issue on sopuli.xyz.
Similarly, sites that don’t handle backslashes properly. I’ve had a few where I had to use my password sans all the backslashes because it interpreted them as an escape character.
Seems more like a feature considering how ESP32s are used.