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I haven’t used this in a bit so I thought I’d check it. They somewhat recently updated the desktop program and nothing works at all now. It appears to be just Edge pretending to be another program. It’s literally just a browser, so surround sound doesn’t work now.
It’s a weird thing for them to do. Why would anyone download a copy of edge that can only watch Netflix? You’d just use a browser.
I attach a computer to a TV and open streaming Web sites in a browser. There aren’t much benefits of the streaming devices compared to that unless you’re using surround sound. The Netflix desktop program has surround sound, but that’s the only service I know of.
I think you’ve confused vegan with strawman.
It’s easy enough to record using Zoom. Start a meeting with only yourself. I’ve used OBS too and it’s fine, but not necessary if you’re just looking to record something simple.
You’ll almost certainly want something to edit the videos. Rather than trying for a perfect take, if i flubbed something I would start over from a convenient place and edit out the bad part. I hated Adobe Premiere. Reaper isn’t really ideal for this stuff, but at least it isn’t Premiere. I dont remember if OBS had anything. LightWorks was OK.
You’ll want a good mic. Although lapel mics are ideal for your use, Bluetooth tends to suck. This webcam has an OK mic. https://www.logitech.com/en-us/products/webcams/c920s-pro-hd-webcam.960-001257.html
For unrelated reasons, I had an audio interface (Scarlett 4i4) and a cardiod mic (MXL 770). The Scarlett is very nice. I don’t love the 770, but it’s better tham a webcam. These are not critical but if you plan to do this a lot, these would make it sound noticably better, and maybe someone has a better mic recommendation, and again lapel would be perfect for lectures. Somewhere I got a baffle like this for $20 to $30. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1116780-REG/primacoustic_p300_0101_voxguard_vu_vocal.html
It makes a difference and for a low price it’s nice to have if you aren’t using a lapel mic. I wouldn’t pay $100 for one.
There is something called the Power Delivery protocol for use with USB C. If your charger and device both support USB C PD, then everything is fine. The wattage of the charger will limit how fast it can charge, but the PD protocol sorts out the correct voltage. Most laptops, tablets and phones support PD now. You can also buy adapters to go from USB C PD to whatever connector your old laptops use (although watch out for current limits so you don’t fry the adapter). I use this charger for everything. https://nekteck.com/products/nekteck-65w-usb-c-charger-gan-ii-pd-3-0pps-fast-charger
On my PD laptop, it complains that it’s a “slow charger” because it wants 100 W or something absurd, but 65 is fine. On my old Lenovo, I have an adapter and the adapter itself doesn’t support high current, so I can’t reasonably use the laptop while charging, but I can charge it while it’s off or asleep. I usually use the OEM chargers for those, but for travel it’s nice to bring less. For everything else it’s perfect.
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