I suppose a dozen people is roughly a ton (depending on which people and which definition of ton)
I suppose a dozen people is roughly a ton (depending on which people and which definition of ton)
It’s a bit akward to respond to that, since I did a Master’s in CompSci, lol. At least I can distance myself from that massive burn a little by saying that I was the akward virgin type and didn’t like the machine learning courses I had to take.
Language studies seem fascinating to me, I always found the stuff my sister was doing in her studies pretty interesting. A friend of hers was even trying to become an interpreter, that sounds so difficult.
I don’t think you can localize to a language. You localize to a region, you translate to a language. Localization goes beyond mere translation, they are different concepts.
I don’t think we can be blamed for Andy Yang. He’s Taiwanese and studied in the US. It seems he just worked at CERN and that’s why he was in Switzerland when he started Proton.
Same reaction here, Zitrone in German is lemon.
But it seems this is an issue for many language pairs, they have a section on it on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citron#Other_languages
That sucks. Ours come to the door. To me that’s part of the point, you don’t want to leave your home, so you order something, right?
I agree. Another good trick: Don’t buy a 4K screen. GPU’s work for much longer that way.
Maybe I’m desensitized because our group address is published in multiple places on the web, but that email is not even slightly noteworthy. This November we’ve already gotten 7 emails that said our mailbox was full or we needed to change its password.
To me this is just background noise of the Internet.
Electrical shocks applied to asystolic hearts to restart them is a classic.
The shock serves to stop fibrillation and to induce a rhythmic firing of the neves, that’s why it’s called defibrillation. Fibrillation is random firing of the nerves, asystole is no firing.
If I recall correctly my father told me you use an injection of adrenaline for asystolic hearts. Kind of like in Pulp Fiction. Though I think injecting directly into the heart isn’t the preferred method anymore.
Blue laws
Are they called that because they relate to blue balling?
How quickly would they die of the chlorine?
Holy shit, what sort of trolling is this?
Hitting all the high notes, from “kids shouldn’t have it better than I did”, over pulling their own boots straps, to “good slavery”.
How will they enforce it? I’m sure big/medium businesses will comply, but how can you track a cash transaction between private citizens?
In the reporting I’ve seen there is a specific exception for private sales anyway. The example they give is that privately buying or selling a used car should remain possible.
I had to look up cashier’s check and it does not sound familiar at all. But searching a bit further it is a thing that exists, seems to be called Bank Check around here, it’s just kind of expensive to use.
It’s much more usual to pay in cash or use an account transfer (SEPA transfer) which is usually free, but with the delay of the transfer one of the parties usually takes a risk.
This year, in relation to the rule the post is about, they also forced banks that were dragging their feet to start supporting instant transfers.
I don’t ultimately know the answer to your question though. I suspect the banks have to ask you for the origin, as if you turned up with 10k in cash, but I couldn’t find anything definitive in the time I was searching around.
Stephen Burke, Editor-in-Chief and founder of Gamers Nexus. They do computer hardware reviews, consumer advocacy and sometimes even investigative journalism. Steve has a majestic mane, earning him that nickname.
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Alpha release if anything. Their minds are not properly debugged yet.