How do you know it wasn’t just chicken? With an uncharge for renaming it?
How do you know it wasn’t just chicken? With an uncharge for renaming it?
Everyone should read his “war is a racket”.
The Elite of the Confederacy should have been hanged and their property distributed to former enslaved people and poor free men.
Some things about the Dems never change do they?
He also won the Congressional Medal of Honor twice.
Don’t you know? IOKIYAAR
I seem to remember that Switzerland has a history of profiting from their relationships with Nazi’s. Thus they might not be a good source of advice as to what to do about Nazi’s.
OMG. Those ears! Love them!!!
Except they’ve always had all the power. The money gets what the money wants.
My guess is that Africa’s more equitable geography didn’t often spur people to leave where they were born.