well the dodger dog is the superior hot dog. raw white onion, pickle relish, ketchup, mustard. perfection
well the dodger dog is the superior hot dog. raw white onion, pickle relish, ketchup, mustard. perfection
these are a great design, but this is in no way a meme, and is effectively an ad for something you’re selling published in a meme community, is it not?
how do you know its intentional?
its breathtaking, I suggest you try it
you’re funny. go have a look.
theres a pub in dublin, ireland that sells it from behind the bar. kinda fun as a novelty. mulligans on poolbeg st
comedy genius. really useful.
what do you mean? austria has a great reputation
at least you said “the other crazy people”
nice apathy + username combination
don’t worry- things have been stable since mcdonalds! nothing can change, just ask Turkey
you’re saying you used to like the original?
Ok i was confusing a chicago dog with something else… that looks pretty wild.
just to say though, a dodger dog is my preferred way of topping a hot dog, its interesting that you just think of it as normal