I think it’s perfectly reasonable to be horrified at things like OSHA going away with the current state of the U.S. federal govt.
I think it’s perfectly reasonable to be horrified at things like OSHA going away with the current state of the U.S. federal govt.
I don’t think that’s how physics
I can use the mugs for plants and… idk, troll someone with the fork. Wtf am I gonna do with that champagne glass?
Fun fact about the Lone Ranger, the most likely real world basis for the protagonist is a man named Bass Reeves. He was black, and an escaped slave. The misrepresentation has been present since the beginning, if I’m not mistaken.
Did you point out that they have brain damage from lead poisoning and it might be compromising their ability to think?
Woman bad, amirite guys?
Listen, we can’t all have the bladder control of a perfectly sculpted Greek God - ok?
Not sure what you mean, this is an Aldous Huxley quote
So you’re in the “catch more flies with vinegar than honey” crowd
Hmm, I’m starting to think maybe I should start acting more like a bear
Ah, a reductionist argument from one of the trogs. What a surprise!
I understand perfectly what you think the point is.
What I’ve observed is that it’s a divisive meme, and not in a good way. This has only served to egender the “kill all men” and “I hate women” crowds into their respective corners.
You are being willfully ignorant by not acknowledging that.
“But have you thought about challenging a man who does?”
This was one of the comments in response to me calling the post divisive.
The only people defending this garbage meme are troglodytes. Plenty of trogs in this thread.
Are you aware that, as a man, I still have the right to protect myself?
God, go fuck yourself you troglodyte.
So you’re saying pissing men off is the point?? And you’re somehow indignant that it, true to its purpose, pissed men off??
None of you seem to understand what the point of the bear post is. At it’s core it is divisive and serves no purpose other than to deepen gender divides.
Ah yes, let me open myself up to physical violence because I’m a man and that’s my place in the world.
Shut the fuck up
Is vague with their wording, immediately backpedals to “I dOn’T mEaN aLl MeN”
Shut up
to make men think about their actions
Do you not understand that, as a very straight man, I’ve never once even thought about hurting a woman?
It’s absolutely divisive. Stop.
I eventually quit shooters after maintaining a competitive streak for several years.
The hardest thing to explain to the people who care about me is why that 10% of the good shit is worth 90% of all the dogshit. Eventually I realized “Shit, they’re right - why did I ever stop playing LoZ?”