Its honestly really good now in my experience. Honestly wish people used it instead of Zoom.
Trying to migrate off of stealth for Reddit so I can stop feeling guilty that I’m still technically using reddit
Its honestly really good now in my experience. Honestly wish people used it instead of Zoom.
Ive been using Jitsi for screen sharing and calls :p
I’m pretty sure its supposed to be Discord. Discords tagline used to start with “Imagine a place where X” which is why theyre saying “Imagine a matrix client” lol
This looks interesting, and if they can get VC & E2EE it will definitely be something I’ll make the switch to from Matrix. As much as I love Matrix, it feels very messy and uncoordinated.
Did you try Cinny?
I’m not sure about for the 5G version, but I was able to bootloader unlock the regular 2021 Stylus using the rescue tool, and install Andy Yangs LineageOS GSI. 4G, calling and text worked like stock. It was kind if a PITA to maintain but it was nice peace of mind.
I know the average Joe doesnt care about security/privacy but, ugh. Really wish we did. Society (at least in the US, where I am) might be a bit less shit if they did. I’m glad to hear that iMessage is a flash in the pan in other countries though, I dont understand why its such a big deal here, especially when Signal/WhatsApp exists and provides a similar seemless experience across more than one platform, but then again you’d hear me complaining about Meta if I lived anywhere else in the world so, really a lose lose for me :(
Gonna be honest I’d much prefer Signal to take off in this regard. In the US iMessage is the closest widely excepted equivalent, but if I’m gonna do WiFi IM, I want to know it is 100% verifiably private. Otherwise I might as well be using SMS/MMS.
Damn dude you killed him xD
APK and play Store versions are identical. Signal runs a check for GMS/GFS and if that Check returns true uses firebase. If not it uses WebSocket. Signal-FOSS on TwinHelix removes GMS/GSF dependencies though, and Molly-UP actually integrates a way for you to use your own push Server.
Edit: Also if you use MicroG without push notifications enabled default Signal is just broken last I checked.
I’m gonna be honest I’m not too concerned about people who aren’t on Degoogled ROMs messaging me through Signal. I dont believe Theres much I say over text or Phone calls in Signal that can be used against me. While i do have my threat model to be in a state where I want to prevent as much spying as possible (I use FOSS only unless it is literally not possible, I turn on airplane mode when I dont need data/am on WiFi, my VPN is always on etc), I dont expect others to Switch away from their convinence for me and me only. if I can talk them into switching over time (like I have with my SO and most close family) then Thats great, but if not, Id rather talk to them on Signal than on fuckin Discord 🤢
Here is a picture of my Dads TP-Link KC401. I borrowed it to prove my point. It requires a Kasa home account. I tried signing up for one to see if it has any sort of RTSP I could hook up to, unfortunately I can’t even sign up for an account. I tried first with a temporary email, then my own domain, then I tried protonmail. It rejected all three. Doesnt seem very privacy friendly to me at all if I need an email provider like Google to even sign up to use the damn thing. I can’t find any sort of documentation online about these cameras having RTSP. In fact what I found was the opposite..
The github page you linked there, while being a great option for people who have already drank the koolaid, is not an ideal solution in any capacity. Per the readme.md
If your camera still works with integration: Block internet access of camera if you are using firmware build 230921 and higher
If your camera no longer works with integration: Block internet access and factory reset camera or Use older firmware than build 230921 and optionally factory reset camera
Meaning, they updated it to prevent you from using it. To use it now you have to hack your way around it and pray it doesn’t accidentally come back online. IP Cam =/= Internet Connected cam. IP Cam means I own the camera, and it doesnt have to phone home to the manufacturer for “updates” that take away functionality.
The catch is that you can’t use a tp link camera as an IP camera and anyone at their office could just tune into your home whenever they wanted.
If you want Something you can set up and forget, use YUNOHOST, otherwise learn how to use docker containers and pick any server distro. Debian, Fedora Server, Ubuntu Server, MicroOS, hell OpenWrt will all do fine.
pay to become products* FTFY
I wish. no in school suspension
I would assume ISS, then regular suspension, then expulsion
My old HS recently implemented an app to go to the bathroom. If you dont check out in the app you are written up. Source: my younger brother
Stop with the what-aboutisms because this is not the current situation.
Its self hostable now, and I’m my playing around with the self hosted version it seems fine