I feel this way about working out in the hotel parking lot. Maybe I’ll just workout in my room. Oh look, a TV and bed.
I have 2 demands for microwaves. Have a 30sec button and start when I press it once. After 1 minute of no use, just clear the time left. Also don’t beep every 10 seconds after the timer ends. I’m drunk and I probably don’t need that food if I don’t remember. That’s more than 2, so 30 demands and I’ll stop before I hit zero left.
Your funeral…
I used Planner in the past. Its integration with teams makes a webcam pointed at a white board a lot better.
Yep. That sounds like teams.
I talked to my coworker about this and he assured me that the current Teams was many years of polishing this turd. So it was way worse "back in the day*…
Why is teams so terrible? No really. It shouldn’t be this bad. I feel like ICQ, mIRC, and Roger wilco combo back in the day was better.
The 2 guys that you immediately see when you say “why do all men suck?”
I’m going to need a banana for scale.