I don’t think OP understands this meme…
I don’t think OP understands this meme…
This is such a dumb take. I don’t trust raw milk, but those that do aren’t arguing it won’t spoil at room temperature. Like, I support buying local, free-range chicken meat. But if someone came up to me and said “Oh yea? Well if you like chicken without antibiotics and preservatives, why do you still refrigerate it?!” I’d look at them like a fucking idiot.
One thing I always feel should be pointed out is that Foxconn is enormous. When you look at the number of employees vs number of suicides, they’re actually lower than the average company.
I don’t believe you, those babies need to be ironed!
Democracy is the worst form of government…
Except for all other forms.
Americans are so fucking stupid oh my god
Coming from someone who confidently believed a law that didn’t exist was in effect, these words are a bit flat.
Better words would be “people in general are so fucking stupid”, and you are not immune to that.
Meanwhile in weapons research
“Why can’t I hold all this grant money, lol?”
What greyhound buses are stopping at a McDonalds?
What are those words in my comment directly after the word “women”? I just can’t quite make them out. Can you read them?
Careful there friend, you’re awfully close to reinforcing a negative view towards women/people in general based entirely off of a conversation on the internet that is most likely fake anyways.
Golly, you’d have to be a real stupid jackass to let that happen, huh? Just a completely brain dead, ignorant, son-of-a-bitch.
Fortunately you’re smarter than that, right? Right?
I mean, it might have made sense if it lined up with the equatorial channel that the death star has. If the inside was exploding and that was the weakest area, material would be ejected out the ring first before the rest of the structure exploded. That might, indeed cause a ring effect. But in this scene the ring is going vertically, not horizontally. So yea, doesn’t make much sense.
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I don’t think anyone had an issue with Benedict Wong as one of the head monks so I think your theory is bad.
With a few exceptions, a lot of “ancestral native land” in North America was held by the occupying tribe for less than 100 years who brutally took it from the previous tribe. People believe in the “noble savage” stereotype all the time, when the truth is they were human. And just like all humans, they were brutal, violent, and capable of great evil towards one another.
The real trick is to find a friend that’s a PC gamer and casually mention that you’re considering building a PC. It is out of your hands at that point. The call will go out and spread like the fires of Gondor to everyone they know on Discord. Slowly but surely, used parts will begin to trickle in from others who have recently upgraded their PCs and have pieces they no longer need. A case here. Some old RAM there. A 3-4 year old GPU. Peripherals.
Like hermit crabs changing shells, their old equipment will be passed down to you; the newest convert. Eventually you will have nearly all the pieces needed for a good mid-range gaming PC, to the point where you might as well just get the last few parts to finish it. And then your journey will be complete.
As the years go by and you slowly upgrade your PC like a modern day Ship of Thebes, make sure to save all your old equipment. For there will come a time when you will hear those fateful words, “Hey, my friend is thinking about building a computer…” And the cycle shall begin anew.
You mean you don’t like eating half a tomato and a whole pickle along with your hot dog?