I think the best approach would be to contact Microsoft customer support
I think the best approach would be to contact Microsoft customer support
Don’t get me wrong, I agree that sometimes freedom has to fight for itself
have to defend democracy or it will be eroded
Are we sure this is going to happen? Or it is possible that we got convinced on that by people who don’t care about democracy, only want to be in charge?
Could you elaborate on this angle? I’m not very well versed in the rights of companies operating in the EU, but I’m unsure “freedom of speech” is one of them.
I rather mean “political discourse”
There was Twitter. Apart from advertising, the very good thing it brought was free access to information. But not only getting it, also sharing. So we knew about for example Arab Spring or Umbrella protests and more or less what is going on, before news decided to tell us and how to tell us
Then came Musk, all in white, saying that moderation on Twitter is biased and he’s going to bring it more freedom of speech
Some time passes and let’s say that now EU does ban X. What’s the next logical thing he’ll say?
I think it might be something like “see? EU banned X because they didn’t like the truth. For the truth, come to me”. I’m afraid that banning would rather give him power and echo chamber, rather than fixing what is going on
I’m not against this angle. But IMO evangelization and conversions only really worked when backed by the state
My approach is calmly keep using free platforms, keep degoogling, when sharing information, share the links from those free platforms, so it keeps pinging in general consciousness that these exist. So the next time everyone does suprised pikachu face to what extent our data is used against us, you don’t have to say “see? I told you”. They come to you asking how to do this, what are the limitations and realities of getting free etc
But, of course, as with everything, diversity is a strength. Some of us should fight, some of us stay calm and keep going on
I think
Maybe the solution is to put a restriction on business, news agencies, and government services from using it?
But that opens another can of worms. A precedence for a governing body to say which platforms can be used for reaching your audience. I’m afraid the change will have to come from the bottom
If anything, I’d phrase it “public service messaging has to operate on platforms which don’t require an account to read”. But that doesn’t solve the problem of general culture on the service
I don’t know
Wouldn’t that enable an angle of “martyr for freedom of speech”?
And while I agree that it stopped being what it was and we can’t rely on it anymore, wouldn’t that separate EU from the rest of the world given current market share?
In my opinion: abandon - yes. Ban - no
Here it’s similar. I’ve found out that if to the question
do you have our membership?
I respond “No, thank you”, they often understand correctly and don’t assume I want to set one up
This is where the name relativity comes in. You have to think in terms of relative speed. Your speed relative to earth will indeed advance closer and closer to c but never reach it. There’s a bunch of really wild and crazy implications behind this.
ah, right. In a ship travelling with c, for someone outside the ship, I turn on the lights and observe the light to travel with c. For that external observer the light from my lamp travels at the same speed as my ship
My mind was already bent! ;)
It’s popular to think of those things as like crazy high G turns but they’re not. You’re just flying in a straight line through space time.
Soooo… Interstellar was wrong with all the shaking of the camera?
Are you on earth or is the ship in space accelerating at a constant rate? Again, there’s no way to tell. They are, physically, the same.
In case of accelerating ship, I wonder what would happen in local frame once you hit/get really close to c. You’d get decelerated out of nowhere? Just as if you hit something?
The understanding I got from school was that gravity might be some kind of force and basically one mass attracts other mass, like electric potentials do
Keep in mind, that was 20 years ago. Our understanding might have changed and tbh I wouldn’t expect a high school physics teacher to be on the bleeding edge of research in all physics fields
True. But that correction still doesn’t unbend my mind
As with any shared POV
I think it’s like racists. Whether one wants to be one or not is not tied with being one or not. That doesn’t mean they all have one secret handshake
So basically L before consonants is generally mute?
Wait… What? I’m not supposed to pronounce the l in salmon?
I think that having any kind of recognizable email is against the idea of privacy. So I would set up the following layering:
for most of shops, job applications, etc. If it leaks you can easily disable the account and/or rotate it on periodic basis to limit the cross-database matching (the privacy part)