The thing is, you could more or less order that for $5 as late as a year or so ago with some customizations to their other boxes. (Granted, I place no value on the cinnamon twists)
Here’s where I’d put my pronouns IF I HAD ANY
Software engineer, massive computer science nerd, sucks at video games, lived all across the US. Former conservative turned total leftist.
Trying out the name Hope.
The thing is, you could more or less order that for $5 as late as a year or so ago with some customizations to their other boxes. (Granted, I place no value on the cinnamon twists)
I thought the nose in panel 5 was the mouth and I was horrified.
Yeah but this way you can screenshot the post and send it in a group chat to complain about a four panel comic that is just the exact joke from the show.
I’m more upset than I should be that they just copied -Dylan instead of matching the typeface and putting "Dylan"
3 years ago I would have killed for 24Mbps
Rather than study for my qualifying exams while I was a PhD student, I learned to blj.
I actually did really well, but then crashed and burned horribly at everything else.