That’d be trademark, not copyright.
That’d be trademark, not copyright.
Helps if you spell February correctly.
I find them okay, but I am much more concerned with consistent fonts than with a variety of decorative fonts.
The default fonts feel very old-fashioned though.
Moving this to a top-level comment.
Overleaf is fantastic, as long as you are okay with non-WYSIWYG document editing and learning some LaTeX.
Typst is also worth looking at, as a similar concept. It uses a very different language than LaTeX, but feels more in touch with modern sensibilities.
I’m not a huge fan of Google as a company, but Google Docs seems to be the first and only one that actually put some new thought into how to organize their toolbar, so that’s my go-to.
Edit: thinking a little further, my other go-tos are Overleaf or Typst. Those do require that you be okay with a non-wysiwyg editor of course, but they are excellent.
As long as you’re okay with an interface that slavishly clones the terrible MS-Word ribbon bar.
No. Some people just can’t handle subtlety.
Ich bin ein Berliner. Yep, JFK.
No worries. After you asked I thought… “wait, thats a xitter screenshot, I could have sworn it was Reddit…”
I had to re-read a few times before I noticed what I’d been talking about.
The one in the screenshot. It says ”via Reddit”.
I’m guessing it’s on r/todayilearned
Not the Reddit link and not OP but
Disk storage is also digital.
can anyone comment how often that is used by people in the region?
Frequently, though it’s mostly informal shorthand for “the greater Chicago metropolitan area”, you probably wouldn’t say “I live in Chicagoland” unless you were intentionally being vague.
Only if you put north on the top on your map.
It’s 14 lb. Definitely a contender for the dumbest unit in common use.
Seriously… the Pythagorean Theorem is the single most important piece of practical math that can be easily taught to everyone.
How does it “use” reliability?
I’ve found it to be pretty good in my area although I did have to tweak the cycling profile to avoid unpaved, otherwise it really like to take me down out of the way gravel paths.
There’s a fair amount of customization …
Including surface types such as sett and cobble
Wisconsin here, when do we join Canada?