Does anybody really give a shit, if he’s male? Like how does that change my life or affect anything or anybody anywhere? Seriously the egos of these freakin’ snowflakes.
Does anybody really give a shit, if he’s male? Like how does that change my life or affect anything or anybody anywhere? Seriously the egos of these freakin’ snowflakes.
I hate apple so much.
I really hate Iphones.
Iphone, Iphone,
I fucking hate it
I hate it so much
I want to beat it wtih a stick
It’s such a slow-ass,
buggy piece of shit,
and everyone who works for Apple
can suck my fucking dick
I want to punch it in the face
and shoot it in the head
and run it over with a steamroller
over and over, until it’s fucking dead
I’m going to dig up Steve Jobs
and Piss on his bones
Because fuck him and everyone
with their stupid fucking Iphones.
I just want something that’s exactly like Twitter but with no Nazis.