I love the idea that a product was created to prevent prisoners from smuggling heroin, but then someone said “You know, I bet that would sell great at Sharper Image.”
I love the idea that a product was created to prevent prisoners from smuggling heroin, but then someone said “You know, I bet that would sell great at Sharper Image.”
You ever watch Gabby’s Dollhouse?
She stays in her room, full-time. She never interacts with anyone outside of her room. She receives deliveries from an unseen outside force, via a cart and ramp system that makes interaction between inside and outside impossible. She then uses her anomalous abilities to shrink down inside of her dollhouse and have adventures in a pocket universe.
She’s happily protected, in a contained, secure area which she never leaves.
Gabby is a comparatively benign SCP.
Broke: Nothing matters.
Woke: Nothing matters!
Bespoke: 🎼🎶🎵 Nooothing! 🎶🎵 MAAAaaatters!! 🎶🎵
“Mutants aren’t human beings.”
—Toy Biz v. United States
“We agree, but for different reasons.”
—Bolivar Trask and Magneto
Dangle a tin can on a string out the window and listen to the rate of the jingle jangle on the pavement?
These two on Rebels:
Moments later is when the show reveals just what kind of show it is.
Getting closer to Snow Crash all the time.
I love the idea that someone was working on a Luigi’s Haunted Mansion sequel when they saw the search metrics on “Luigi” go absolutely nuts and when they found out why were like “Oh… oh nooooo…”
mc chris has some words to say about his relationship with his robot dog.
Citizens United and Regulatory Capture.
It’s not a matter of “nobody should be allowed to be ultra wealthy,” it’s a matter of “nobody should be allowed to be unacceptably poor.”
If our civilization can generate wealth at an astronomical rate, then there is no morally defensible reason for anyone to be homeless, hungry, poorly educated, lacking medical care, drinking unsafe water, worked to death, or any of a number of other baseline metrics of civilization. All of those ills exist because wealth is funneled upwards at an unbelievable rate, leading to the existence of billionaires. All of that wealth should be used to raise everyone’s standard of living, rather than give a handful of people more power and luxury than ever appeared in Caligula’s wet dreams.
Of course the way that you accomplish that is by an exponentially progressive taxation system, and that will… probably make it impractical to be a billionaire, but frankly I think that focusing on helping the bottom end of the economic ladder is more productive than just talking about how it should be illegal to have more than a given amount of wealth.
Sword fight? Fanning at each other, crossing and smacking swords. Maybe even walking around each other. I don’t think that’s how a real sword fight would look.
Akira fucking Kurosawa, on the other hand…
Foul Coughing
The Pillage People
The Shite Stripes