Does it help to know that the “x” is pronounced like “sh”?
Does it help to know that the “x” is pronounced like “sh”?
No, there’s even art in Alex Jones. Remember bad art exists and is still art.
We’ll all have to adjust to eating land bugs soon enough. Those of us who enjoy ocean bugs have a small headstart.
Didn’t the Presequel have a DLC where you went inside Claptrap?
I was busting my ass to feed ungrateful drunks until 4 AM.
The Deliverator for Uncle Enzo’s CosoNostra Pizza Inc
It’s a good reminder that the people who oppress us have names and addresses.
Me playing FF IX having watched all the cutscenes and talked to all the npcs
The vast majority of food service workers won’t mess with your food because they’re decent people who are used to the abuse and slander (or libel in this case) that customers throw at them. There are other food service workers who won’t do it because they care about food safety. There are still others who won’t mess with your food because they’ll be fired if they’re caught doing it. These three groups will talk shit about you if they think you’re out of earshot.
Then there are the rare cases where the person is too vindictive and too short-sighted and might mess with your food (but will likely be caught by someone who will fix or remake it before it gets to you). These people never last long in the industry as the rest of us hate them more than customers and will drive them out.
The vast majority of food service workers won’t mess with your food because they’re decent people who are used to the abuse and slander that customers throw at them. There are other food service workers who won’t do it because they care about food safety. There are still others who won’t mess with your food because they’ll be fired if they’re caught doing it. These three groups will talk shit about you if they think you’re out of earshot.
Then there are the rare cases where the person is too vindictive and too short-sighted and might mess with your food (but will likely be caught by someone who will fix or remake it before it gets to you). These people never last long in the industry as the rest of us hate them more than customers and will drive them out.
Has she gotten laws passed that make cars safer too?
Ralph Nader has literally saved thousands (if not millions) of lives.
Tim Walz is governor of one of these states.
I agree feeding children is an unequivocally great use of tax dollars.
Would you waste your time replying if it didnt?
Actually, in your specific case you’re probably right, it’s probably better if you don’t put any more strain on an unsound framework.
By developing your own media literacy and attempting to verify facts in the things you read by using other sources. Better to evaluate news sources yourself than relying on a biased bot.
If so, Mel Brooks did the world a great service.