I’ll reiterate that I’m in a half dozen living rooms every day, and most of them are senior citizens. I’ve been doing this for years. They all have smart TVs, whether they use the features or not.
I’ll also reiterate that they flat out will not even use a TV sometimes because they’re defeated by the smart TV features that prevent them from getting over to their Comcast box. Did you even read my comment?
They get suckered by the cheap TV in middle of the aisle at Walmart or Costco and buy three. You can’t even go out and buy a TV that isn’t a smart TV without specifically looking for it. They don’t even know to begin to look for these things.
Do you think they’re still on an old CRT with a VCR hooked up via RCA? They had to go down some weird upgrade rabbit hole that they still don’t fully understand because they ended up with a DVD of some classic movie, went and got a DVD player only to find out they didn’t have HDMI ports so now they had to go buy some garbage TV thats subsidized by advertising companies. Again, I’ve seen this exact scenario play out a hundred times.
The fact of the matter is that your fix reeks of ‘I got mine’ energy, and it doesn’t fix anything. Large swaths of people will still get these ads in their faces and these companies won’t stop. Quite the opposite, they’ll keep looking for more ways to fuck their customers.
I have to recommend 9v instead of AA, there’s an extra little kick to it