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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023

  • Yeah it’s not easy. Societies are often multicultural, and each culture doesn’t restrict individual values or smaller communities within it.

    I wouldn’t say it’s just for the powerful, it can be a tool for the people too. The powerful do manipulate it for political reasons but ironically they themselves are mostly amoral.

  • It’s not just a concept we invented, but also a concept that only apply to us.

    So I think the moral universe refers to a morality that would apply to any of us, throughout nations and cultures.

    Wich I don’t find particularly far fetched since despite our cultures we do find a lot of common ground in our condition. It’s the basis for human rights for example.

    Although I wouldn’t say that cultures shouldn’t have an impact to on morality. There’s definitely a mixture of both…

  • Funkytom467@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldYelon
    15 days ago

    It’s not supposed to represent waves at different angles.

    Rather it represent an axis (the one on the right) for each frequency of waves that is contained in the signal (on the left)

    Here the signal is made up of two different frequency waves and the graph on the right is there to show the value of thoses two and their respective magnitudes.

  • To be honest it’s not just patriarchy anymore.

    Nowadays conservative agenda serves the elite only.

    Meanwhile this controlling hurt most mens as well. Pushing them to only value themselves through work, to repress feelings for productivity… all of it makes for more servile workers.

  • Funkytom467@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldBoth valid
    2 months ago

    My pleasure.

    I’m a amateur bassist, so in the mock rivalry I’d say this is showing how much of the rhythm-section bassists can fill ^^

    And we can also do some dope harmony. I love the jokes about how bassist are translators between drummers and guitarists.

    Victor Wooten has lessons on YouTube where he does emphasize that a lot.

  • Funkytom467@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldThe animation rules
    4 months ago

    No it’s based on League of Legends. Much more toxic than valorant even if both are developed by the same company, riot games.

    Honestly Valorant could have been much worse if not for riot learning their lessons and being on top of it shutting down a lot of reasons to be toxic.

    P.S. The lore on the other hand is so much richer in LoL

  • Destroying a system means there isn’t anything in place and also that you weaken the power of your own side because you had to go through all the violence needed.

    That’s obvious but it also explains why worse system can rise, but also that it’s not always a doomed endeavor. I think the context has a lot to do with what will occurs next.

    The best exemple i could give is the French Revolution. It was followed by the worst Napoleonic wars. But its philosophers founded the building block for the republic that’s still in place to this day.

    The red revolution against tsarist has brought a lot of positive foundation from which Russian could arguably have builded upon after the war, if not for Gorbachev.

    I’m not gonna go to much into any hypothetical but what Lenin created had a real and positive influence in the rest of Europe at least.

    At the worst end of the spectrum Iran really had nothing left to build upon, the situation there is catastrophic on all front. So if not for the US the country isn’t gonna stand on its legs any time soon.

    I think the evolution of the end of a system, even through those three exemple, can go into so many different path. It’s hard to really predict anything, especially without taking into account all the parameters and context.