Look at Mr. Fancy with his luxury bags of dirt.
Homer Simpson grumbles
Look at Mr. Fancy with his luxury bags of dirt.
Homer Simpson grumbles
Analog mechanical systems are so much more intuitive than digital ones though. The ability to physically see and touch and connect and tinker with things feels vastly more human than pointing and clicking and cursing and screaming.
Carving an entire castle from one stone would be incredibly impressive engineering. Or a very small castle.
The D shall rise again?
Boomer men love other Boomer men.
Having been to Iceland, I can understand the obsession.
Man, look at Tom. He really goin through it.
Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how Bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
This guy’s name is Fork
Perhaps they’re a thirsty ghost?
I would prefer the USPS bring back basic banking at their branches.
If they’re going to add anything, add Internet as a Service, since it’s an essential utility for modern living.
If Eric Adams is speaking, he’s lying
Jesus himself would probably set their house on fire
Daniel Kahneman’s lesser known sequel to Thinking, Fast and Slow
Hank knew he could only hide his urges for so long… that roast was gonna get fucked.
I would say just less likely
Are you kidding? The DNC circumvented the entire primary process to give us ANOTHER “anointed one” and, again, possibly the worst candidate possible to create the coalition that has always been Democrats’ bread-and-butter. They even had Hillary go down to FL to lecture voters, while Bill went to Michigan to preach to Muslim communities about why the war in Israel is right. It’s a fucking lampoon of strategy.
Every single DNC “elite” should retire from politics, today. They’re losers, and losers lose. Because they never learn from their mistakes, which is what is required to win.
Hubris. Democrats lose because characters like RBG and President Biden simply could not fathom that stepping aside was ALWAYS what they should have done.
These miserable fucking dinosaurs have gambled away the good intentions, hopes, and stability of the entire nation because their internal mantra was that they are our political saviors, while everyone under 50 was full-throated screaming that they needed to step aside.
Fuck all you geriatric, foot on the gas, oblivious, incompetent fucks. If (big if) we ever regain our Democracy, the first thing on the agenda should be AGE CAPS for all public offices. Elderly fucking hubris has doomed us to more misery.
So what drugs did you buy?