On my phone I still use LibreTube but with the option to load the video directly from YouTube (essentially doing what NewPipe is doing) and on PC I just use YouTube’s directly. I still use Piped to keep my subscriptions synchronized tho.
On my phone I still use LibreTube but with the option to load the video directly from YouTube (essentially doing what NewPipe is doing) and on PC I just use YouTube’s directly. I still use Piped to keep my subscriptions synchronized tho.
My parents bought Xiaomi TV box (could search for the exact name if anyone’s interested), which runs GoogleTV (Which is just AndroidTV, they renamed for some reason) and comes with a remote. It even has hardware acceleration for AV1 playback. Downside is of course that it has all the Google spying shit and ads in the home menu but at least it works well and you can use all the apps you want without issue. Idk if there’s something like LineageOS for AndroidTV, that would be great.
They’re both right-wing parties. Their aim is to make the rich class richer.
The operative theory appears to be that immigrants here illegally aren’t protected by the US Constitution. But that’s simply not true. Rights are extended to people living in our borders, whether or not they’re US citizens.
This is true but I really hate people who judge these things based on the law and not based on basic empathy
I use a refurbished 10tb HDD for my server too and it works just fine
DNS should be working, I manually set the DNS server. I don’t really wanna install docker tho, I feel like that could cause other issues. If it only works in docker, that doesn’t really help me anyway, does it?
No, is that required?
Hab ich tatsächlich schon gemacht, aber iwie funktioniert das noch nicht ganz. Weil ich selber nicht rausfinden konnte warum, hab ich grad nen post gemacht wo ich nach Hilfe frage.
Wegen dem letzten Part, es geht zwar schon um privacy, aber dadurch, dass ich momentan YouTube direkt nutzen muss, weil die Piped instances nicht funktionieren, ist es halt immer noch besser. Außerdem hab ich angefangen nen GTK 4 Piped client zu schreiben und ich muss das halt auch iwie testen können.
Thanks, I’m gonna selfhost it then. What you said about the piped components sounds interesting, is there like a list of them?
No, the error is coming from YouTube, not Piped. They’re working on a way to get around it, you can follow the progress here.
LibreTube uses Piped, which currently is getting blocked by YouTube. They’re working on a way to get around it.
You can follow the progress here. It seems like they might have found a way.
Yeah but it would also be cool if everyone else had Kore, then they could just add songs themselves from their phones, for example
You can also just use your phone. The app is called Kore and is free and open source. It connects over the local network, so you don’t need an IR pointer or anything like that.
Edit: Just noticed that the comment you replied to already mentioned Kore. Anyway, I actually prefer using it over a remote. I always have my phone with me, I can use the phone’s keyboard and I can share stuff like YouTube links directly to it.
If they wouldn’t allow this, signing into YouTube wouldn’t work
You could install LibreELEC on the Pi, it’s a distro specifically made for Kodi and that can be controlled with the Kore app from your phone
Making it available to others as well would be the perfect solution then
I use biometrics for unlock too. If you click “Lockdown” in the power menu or just hold down the power button until your phone restarts (it should vibrate, so you can even do this while it’s still in your pocket), it requires the PIN again in order to be able to unlock it.